> <@nuttso:matrix.org> I'm spending a lot of energy to promote and educate people about gos. I do this mainly because I have lots of respect for strcat. When he was the only developer at copperhead he still took the time to educate us in the channel. His answers where always on point and matched my own research. I really believe in him as a person. This work is important. I would only mess with a company that could guarantee the whole supply chain. Which is not easy. > > For the moment I'm looking for people that could spend money so Daniel has some developers that are trustworthy and could help a lot. Valldrac is one of them. I have two other but can't pay them. One of them is technically on the same level as Nohl and Daniel but I can't pay him at the moment. > > He is a prof over at the tech University in Berlin. His name is Stefan Flemming. Look at what they did as students. > https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Towards-Secure-and-Reliable-Firewall-Systems-based-Weis-Schüler/4fc92894a5ffb579a31ce744e19926a50ae4238b > > Sooner or later I will definitely give something back to this project. I really hope you do