Coincidentally I was browsing the ccs website when this proposal was 2 minutes old so I went to read it fully. - Regarding MyMonero: My take is that is not going to be released under MyMonero because of the reasons pointed, but instead will use improved / new versions of MyMonero's front- and back-end. - Project name: "Crossroads" seams to be the name choosen for the platform. - Schedule: The platform v1 would be delivered in 6 months and other features v2/v3 in the next coming 2 or 3 years. - People: endogenic + MyMonero stuff (not sure who) + anonymous CTO - Costs: (a) 100k USD: funding 6 months for the CTO as a bootstrap budget until marketplace revenue is build up. (b) Optional 70k USD for endogenic emergency expenses and other expenditures. - Overall (personal only) comments: I like the overall marketplace idea and personally don't mind the fact the the CTO is staying anonymous at this stage as long as he's qualified for the position. Definetly writing the schedule and deliverables more clearly will help translating the project intentions and on board more community members to support it. Also breaking it into different CCS for clarity. - MyMonero's open-sourcing + funding for hosting costs should be placed in a completely separate proposal. If think that accounts for 24k USD in funding.