Hey everyone. I'm working on a decentralized exchange for the Tezos blockchain called dexter. The Tezos community is looking to spin up several IPFS clusters to host the frontend. I am really struggling getting a cluster up with kubernetes. I've been following this guide: https://cluster.ipfs.io/documentation/guides/k8s/ The guide is out of date to what's provided here: https://github.com/lanzafame/ipfs-cluster-k8s/blob/deploy-k8s-guide/ipfs-cluster-base/, but I've tried it both ways. The issue may not be the kubernetes but with the configuration of the ID's and secret. When I try to deploy I get something along these lines from the cluster: `error applying environment variables to the identity: error decoding cluster ID: failed to parse peer ID: cid too short`. My yml looks like this: ```