Hey guys! New to IPFS entirely and I am trying to really figure out what it is ment to be. So, here is a use-case scenario: I want to develop a web app that stores a lot of images and documents (a roleplay community where people upload character sheets, images, and other assets) and I wondered if ipfs would let me scale my filesystem across a multitude of servers instead of *just* relying on a single server to host it all. Can IPFS do that? Can I store all the assets across multiple servers? And is there a clear bullet list of what ipfs does and does not? Another thing I would be curious is storing my personal data as an encrypted mess across multiple servers? Those files would mainly be backups. Currently I use Seafile for my personal stuff that I want to eventually share with friends - previously I used owncloud but upon accidentially killing my postgres db and basically losing everything, I just migrated entirely to seafile (but I am not completely happy with it, either...). So my needs are mainly file storage and hopefuly spreading it across some nodes.