I heard that the Christians who actually do fear the Republican Virus are going to do a digital book burning where they download PDFs of things they don't like and then press the delete button repeatedly. It will help them along greatly in this endeavor if they use a real computer which still allows the copying and sharing of information, instead of an Apple or Microsoft product. That way they can copy the data as many times as they want and claim they deleted a billion copies of Harry Potter and Richard Dawkins. Naturally, since none of them know how to use a real computer, one of us will have to volunteer to teach them about the GNU/Linux operating system, like Fedora, and furnish them with a copy of qbittorrent so they can share books with other people who help their neighbors. It will be a long and arduous process, but it's not like anyone is doing anything these days, especially the president, who is apparently learning very slowly that this didn't go away in April. Since the GNU/Linux system doesn't crash, freeze, get viruses, and get updates every month that brick it or make it say it's not activated, nothing will get in their way of being able to get on Facebook and telling us to shut up libcuck, and their productivity will increase by 487%. I tried finding /usr/lib/tard, /usr/lib/cuck, and the /usr/lib64 variants, and other variations including wildcard matching so that I could shut it up, but nothing comes up. Perhaps they can assist me with finding it. Is there a systemctl command that I could use to hut up libcuck?