I try to add the nextcloud integration but I keep getting a error that the account could not be created because the server did not provide details for the given account. In the server log I see this: ``` - - [29/Apr/2020:16:50:32 +0000] "PROPFIND / HTTP/1.1" 405 1406 "-" "Mozilla/5.0" - - [29/Apr/2020:16:50:32 +0000] "PROPFIND /.well-known/caldav HTTP/1.1" 301 784 "-" "Mozilla/5.0" ``` The 301 redirect goes to: `/remote.php/dav/` When I add the calendar details and the card detail path I get the same error that there is no calendar at the location. BUT, when I don't add the carddav link it allows me to add the account but I don't have contacts. I run a docker version of Nextcloud 18.0.4. Any idea what this could be?