I've been reading a bit about the end of support for GNU/Linux and macOS for the Rocket League game after its creator got acquired by Epic Games, a notorious Microsoft partner. While the fact that platform support for those operating systems is withdrawn, is somewhat understandable, what annoyed me the most was how all the Microsoft cultists came out to justify this move as saying there is no market for gaming on those operating systems and it costs too much to develop and maintain software for them. Seen in this light it doesn't surprise me how far the company's web of influence reaches that even free software companies and even non-profits have been infiltrated by people who are sympathetic to Microsoft's cause, if they aren't outright paid shills. I think the free software community was not in any way prepared to counter Microsoft's strategy to stay relevant in a changing software ecosystem (which is a word I don't like to use, because it usually implies something more sinister such a way to lock people in).