π—œπ—£π—™π—¦ ecosystem biweekly vol.1 by Paradigm Research 21st January β€” 4th February - Brave Integrates IPFS - js-IPFS 0.54.0 release - January meetup - ETHDenver is here - The Clay testnet is live - Welcome Venus to the Filecoin mainnet - The Graph evaluates integrating additional L1 blockchains -The Space SDK library is out - 2 wave of Humanode Alpha tests - Unstoppable Domains’ IPFS Innovation Grant program - And more! https://medium.com/paradigm-fund/ipfs-brave-integrates-ipfs-js-ipfs-0-54-0-release-january-meetup-ethdenver-is-here-the-clay-te-4b5f7ff1e421