Every day, we find out that the cyberattack was worse and it's pretty much all thanks to Microsoft's shitty software design and the antivirus concept failing to actually keep pace with threats in the modern world. Not only this, but Microsoft wants to port "Defender", a backdoor and a piece of spyware, to Linux, which is not really having too much of a problem with malware, even though antivirus is relatively unheard of. The biggest threat vector on Linux is a seriously misconfigured system that involves not the kernel, but some piece of userspace software. Which....does happen, but it's a lot harder to do that on Linux because of the concept of trusted software sources, open source being a lousy way to hide backdoors and malicious payloads for obvious reasons, and just the overall higher intelligence of its users. Also, not being buried under an OS that's 90% crap that harkens back to the 90s and 2000s because some business will whine if Internet Explorer and the driver model from Windows XP isn't there.