Hello, good folks! Another day, and another newbie challenge for me. I need help with my bootloader. Some time ago I got a laptop with UEFI. It came with Ubuntu preinstalled. I installed NixOS from a USB flash drive and it correctly setup dual boot. Back then I coulnd't get the desktop environment and network to work and was quite busy with other stuff, so I just left it there and used Ubuntu for a while. Last week I decided to give it another go. I formatted the NixOS partition and installed it again. Eventually with a lot of help from you I got mostly everything working, but now my bootloader is in a weird state. The bootloader looks the way NixOS installer made it on the first installation, but launching NixOS doesn't work. I suppose it points to the non-existing installation. Ubuntu boots without issues. To boot into the new installation of NixOS I need to insert USB flash drive and choose rEFInd. It shows me a long list of options, one of them `systemd boot`. When I chose this one I get a prompt to select the NixOS generation. From there everything works as expected. Whenever I rebuild the system a new generation is added there. Here are relevant bits of my configuration. ``` fileSystems."/boot" = { device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/C37C-1693"; fsType = "vfat"; }; boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable = true; boot.loader.efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true; ``` What should I do to setup the bootloader correctly? Should I just format the `/boot` partition and run `nixos-rebuild switch` or will it ruin my laptop?