Hi everyone, I'm new to nix and I'm wondering if I could make a derivation that creates a link: `ln -s ${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash /bin/bash` to allow all the scripts in a project I have to work. All the scripts have a hardcoded `#!/bin/bash` as the interpreter. I've read this: https://nixos.org/nix/manual/#ssec-derivation looking for something that might do what I want. I've tried this: ``` ➜ cat shell.nix with import {}; stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "node"; buildInputs = [ nodejs jq ]; shellHook = '' export PATH="$PWD/node_modules/.bin/:$PATH" ln -s ${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash /bin/bash ''; } ``` Any links or google keywords that will point me in the right direction?