> <@atrius:matrix.org> ``` > self: super: > let > sources = import ../nix/sources.nix; > fetchGitHubArchive = { owner, repo, rev, sha256 }: builtins.fetchTarball { > url = "https://github.com/${owner}/${repo}/archive/${rev}.tar.gz"; > inherit sha256; > }; > libPath = with super; lib.concatStringsSep ":" [ > "${lib.getLib libgccjit}/lib/gcc/${stdenv.targetPlatform.config}/${libgccjit.version}" > "${lib.getLib stdenv.cc.cc}/lib" > "${lib.getLib stdenv.glibc}/lib" > ]; > emacs-overlay = (import (fetchGitHubArchive { > inherit (sources.emacs-overlay) owner repo rev sha256; > }) self super); > in { > > emacsGccWrapped = super.symlinkJoin { > name = "emacsGccWrapped"; > paths = [ emacs-overlay.emacsGcc ]; > buildInputs = [ super.makeWrapper ]; > postBuild = '' > wrapProgram $out/bin/emacs \ > --set LIBRARY_PATH ${libPath} > ''; > meta.platforms = super.stdenv.lib.platforms.linux; > passthru.nativeComp = true; > }; > } // emacs-overlay > > ``` I copied this and inported it as an overlay