It happened in Russia, Italy, and Republican former House Speaker Paul Ryan said it too. The response is usually something like "With what money?". Government freaks out that jobs don't pay anything, but they'd rather have a collapse of population apparently than jobs paying anything. Which is amusing, because with a falling population, wages have to go up eventually because the Reserve Pool of Unemployed Labor goes down. The whole point of making sure there are always lots of unemployed people is to make workers more expendable. So essentially the Republicans are like "No welfare, no job, bad pay..... HAVE MORE KIDS!" then they wonder why women get on the internet and order abortion pills from India. Pennsylvania is basically turning into the Philippines on that issue. As is much of the south. You can pass whatever laws you want, but there's this thing called the internet and other sovereign states. So women just do whatever it is anyway, and you don't stop it. You just make it either more of a hassle or send more of them to the hospital. Or both. The Philippines outlawed abortion in their constitution. There are millions and millions each year anyway. Women are so scared of poverty that they'll risk a 26% chance of ending up in the ER. That's what happens. They haven't "banned" anything. They just created a black market. Frankly, I'm glad I'm not a woman. With the way the government and doctors are, it's a wonder any of them can get by at all. You have a 20 year old go in and say "I want my tubes tied!" and the doctor, a Republican male, goes "Oh sugar tits! You're much too young to decide that! Just get pregnant and in the kitchen and read the bible!". Then they're surprised when she figures out how to get a pill.