The final death toll (which we won't have for months) would have been lower if, instead of practicing his backswing, Trump had immediately slammed the doors and invoked the Defense Production Act to make medical supplies around the clock instead of letting Kushner tell him it was a media circus and have Trump suggest it would go away in April. Guess what.... It's warm in Florida right now. He's comparing this to Pearl Harbor and he's the one that put the Navy into a neat bombing formation and told everyone "Relax! It's Sunday!". This guy is a joke and the people who voted for him and now die from COVFEFE-19/Mass American Graves Again did very actively bring it on themselves because they could have voted for a person that they didn't like very much, but who would have treated the reports from China seriously. Bush threw the FBI August Memo over his shoulder and went to his ranch for 9/11. See a pattern? Only with Trump, we got 2 months of My Pet Goat while this damned thing got here and spread! So enjoy the REPUBLICAN VIRUS. It's here now and containment is not on the table.