okay. sorry for the wall of text, but it has tldr at the end. I say this with my best intentions, because I think Graphene is a great project with capabilities to change smartphone landscape. But I feel it's needed to state this, as I'm largely an outsider to the project and see it like average people, supporters and potential future developers. strcat (@strcat:matrix.org) : from what I see here in your reactions and based on my medical background, I think it's safe to say youre burnt out on the whole project. So, either decide that it's worth it for you, or that it's not - and then drop it, teporarily or for good. Your mental health is always going to be more important, because youre not gonna cope with it very long when youre permanently dismissive or unconstructive. anupritaisno1 - you did exactly the same. faxing just tried to help and ask what he can do, and you bashed him with a wall of text that basically said he's worthless and should go somewhere else. not constructive in the slightest. then you just mildly backed away and told him something unspecific, guess better than nothing. concat is saying it perfectly - your guys' attitude could be the very thing that kills Graphene, because you effecfively deter anyone willing to help with your elitism. So, again, tl;dr - strcat, decide if this is what is worth for you to do. if not, then drop it, no harm done. if yes, then don't bother whining about lack of support. instead try to get some support contructively and actively, if that's what you need. Hell, you could even just tell Snowden to mention Graphene on twitter or w/e, im sure that alone would have had impact. Because almost no developers are going to want to work on a project you and your followers make sound like it's hanging on a thread and that you need absolute expertise from the very start. That's the reality. I apologize for sounding harsh. It is not meant like that - but I'm not gonna sugarcoat what I see here.