* Hey everyone. I'm trying to figure out one thing that puzzles me. I'm new to IPFS and probably not using the correct jargon. So, each pinned file is addressed by a hash. Can someone crawl all the node to figure out which files are pinned and download them without knowing the hash in the first place? I'm thinking of using IPFS to share semi-private files where I give the recipient the hash of the file and only if someone else would guess the hash they would be able to download the file. Is this thinking correct? The other scenario is: Each node has a hash so that files can be addressed by ipfs://<... node-hash>/index.html . Is the node-hash discoverable by others or can I see it as a sem-private location that I can share with my friends and only they will have access to it (or someone who guesses the node-hash). Thank you :)