That prosecutor that went after me has his work cut out for him. He has to run for re-election this year as a Republican, in Lake County, IL, when everyone is fucking pissed at Trump and plans to vote for Democrats straight down the line. The virus has gotten bad and killed people who liked the job he was doing, and my defense attorney is running against him and all of the people the current prosecutor went after are very aware of that. My attorney only needs to do three points better than the last guy did in 2016. The virus, Trump's reverse coattails, and Republicans fleeing Illinois and turning it into a single party state already overcome that, I think. The virus has probably already killed about 150 of the voters Nerheim needs to hang in there. It'll get worse. Trump is not just going down. He's pissed so many people off at the Republicans they'll lose downballot all over the place. Even in Illinois. There's only two elected Republican officials in Lake County anyway. The Coroner, and the Prosecutor. It'll be funnier than hell if the coroner spent his whole year dealing with his own voters and then loses.