Dealing with these people was impossible. It should be called "Briar Patch Apartments" because if they don't like you, they'll just create a series of thorny obstacles in order to deny your application and then blame their complete joke of a tenant screening company, which itself has its own 1 star average review on Google. (Screening Reports in Wood Dale, Illinois.) I now have complaints filed with the Attorney General's office over this apartment company (whose real name is Creative Designs), and Screening Reports. Briarwood's office management is incompetent, rude, hateful, vituperative and vindictive. I also believe (in my personal opinion, although this would be impossible to prove) that they are homophobes and that they discriminate based on national origin. My spouse and I applied here, and the office staff deliberately (unless they're illiterate) put in only 1/3rd of our income and told SR that we were applying for a more expensive apartment. To also ensure that we would be denied, they typed in our address wrong to cause an "address mismatch" in the system, and then they also said my husband's SSN was "invalid" because SSA issued it a few years ago when he immigrated to this country, LEGALLY. When SR told me to go work out the problems with the property management, they became belligerent and bombastic over me simply asking them to do their job and correct their information based on what SR said for them to do. They started screaming at me (actual screaming), berating me, making fun of us for having lived at an extended stay hotel for a while, and then (seeing that I had a dismissed misdemeanor from last year), decided to take revenge on me for coming out there by filing a false police report. When they asked me to leave, I got in my car and called a guy named "Ibraham" from their main office in Chicago to work something out, but he just went nuts over the phone and into a babbling incoherent bout of shouting nonsense at me. When I went to pull out to leave the property, as I was asked to do, they sent a maintenance man to park his truck next to my car, get out and start walking up to me. I rolled down my window and asked "Can I help you?". Meanwhile, I hadn't hung up on Ibraham yet, who was accusing me of being "intimidating". (BS) I can't really help that their lying cowardly office people might say that about me due to my physical appearance. I cannot help being a 6' 4" man, and my head is shaved because I don't want to go near a barbershop due to COVID-19. Anyway, so this guy sticks his head in my car and Ibraham and him start talking back and forth in some foreign language (Arabic?), and the guy DEMANDS my phone which is in the window holder thing, and when I saw no, he lunged into my car and tried to take it from me. When I grabbed my phone and said, "No you may not have it, but you can talk over the speaker to your boss if you want to calm him down.", he continues to demand the phone. This is assault against me by one of their employees, but I digress. After that, I left and later called to ask for a written copy of a denial letter from Ibraham; he says "WE GIVE YOU NOTHING WE FILE REPORT ABOUT YOU! GO AWAY!". I don't know why I was trying to do business with these knuckleheads. Along the way, their snooty and classist office manager, who there aren't enough words in the English language for, so I will call her perkeleen vittupää, told me it was "suspicious that we had pulled our screening reports" which we have a legal right to do under the FACT Act, and she was outraged that they told us exactly how these people had sabotaged our application so that they could blame it on the screening company (which was meanwhile blaming Briarwood), and then she said "Well, if we get bad tenants we can't throw them out right now.". Ask about the move-in special, where you try to move in and the friendly office "Karen" calls the cops. The next day....The very next day, we met up with a very cool landlord and he ran our screening reports and said "When can you come sign the lease.". We move next month.