> <@mcrakhman:matrix.org> Hi! Basically rephrasing a question which I asked on discuss: > > 

I have the following situation: one node is established in the cloud which is a full node, always accessible, the other nodes are under NAT (e.g. mobile network), lets call them node A and node B. Full node has a relay mode turned on and if A calls B through relay like /addr/QmRelay/p2p-circuit/p2p/QmNode then everything works. > > But the problem is that neither node A or node B knows that they must use relay to contact each other. Yes, they announce their addresses (which indicate that connecting node should use a relay), but it is not possible to query their addresses via DHT. When I looked at the logs of the Full node I saw the "peer stopped dht" logs, which means that neither node A nor node B are included in the routing table of the Full node. > > That means when node A tries to query Full node's dht for node B's address it doesn't get any results, because it is not in the routing table of Full node even if Full node has a connection to node B. > > So my question is how can a Full node tell node A of an address of node B? Is there any mechanism in place (am I missing something)? Or should I use something custom? > > Thanks! Custom, I solve this [here](http://portal.thedisco.zone/testing/AGuidetoIPFSConnectivityinWebBrowsers.html#Advertising) (draft). I advertise the p2pcircuit address of js-ipfs clients that connect to my go-ipfs node over PubSub, and have the browser nodes listening on the same topic, so they can discover each-other and connect.