* gouthamr: ecsantos hi, when I use nodepool openstack provider run job error. prompt Not Found (404) https://sftests.com/zuul/api/tenant/local/build/null and nodepool-launcher log https://paste.opendev.org/show/bFPFTMDklGCB5z9jG7jl/ nodepool.yaml like ``` - boot-timeout: 120 clean-floating-ips: true cloud: packstack diskimages: - name: ubuntu-focal driver: openstack image-name-format: '{image_name}-{timestamp}' launch-timeout: 900 name: openstack-provider pools: - labels: - diskimage: ubuntu-focal min-ram: 8192 name: ubuntu-focal max-servers: 2 name: main networks: - public security-groups: - default rate: 1.0 ``` should I configure network and security-groups on openstack server, then add this on nodepool.yaml. I don't know what need do on the openstack side when use openstack provider, I add default networks and security-groups now.