They have a proposed law now, passed the US House like 400-something. It would create a Kangaroo Court for Copyright where anyone can sue you for anything as long as each case is under $30,000. It's called the CASE Act. And Netflix is lobbying for that. Have fun. You thought the European Meme Law was bad. Just wait. VPNs and Tor are going to be part of the future. As soon as this "court" exists, copyright trolls will just dump millions of cases on it. They'll consider each for 0.23 seconds and then rule against you. If people want a social news website like Reddit, someone will have to host one as a Tor hidden service, and it won't be an American tech company that creates jobs thanks to the Hollyweb. It would be too legally dangerous to even have something like Wikipedia, so that will have to shut down too. Big companies like Youtube and Facebook will go into turbo mode deleting everything that anyone complains about, worse than now. They may as well just call it a "Drop a Nuclear Bomb on the Open Web and Thank Netflix and Hollywood for That Act". Disney wants it too. Disney Plus Handcuffs. Disney Plus Weedvine.