Hi everyone! I'm writing this in the only discord channel that looks like there might be someone in will of helping : Me and a friend are trying to make ipfs + unity WORK. (using the dlls generated by ipfs.net.core, ipfs.net.engine, ipfs.peer.talk (by : https://github.com/richardschneider/ - has source + tests + nupackages + a very confusing documentation) What do i mean by working : - every client should be a node, so that they can I/O IPFS. Pinning content they "bought"(~the ipfs url + some psw to decrypt) through some smart contracts on ETH - our "server" should be a node [being always on, to have a nice pool of peers(~making the ipfs gateway work properly for clients) + redundancy for ALL the stuff added by EACH clients (which might have stuff pinned, but not renewing the content by turning the app on every X-TIME, it could get garbage collected)] So far every change we made just looked like it was randomly working. Either we did restart the node or nuke the folder to regenerate key, it some times worked, some others took ages to show on the gateway, other times it just couldn't work. We started figuring out maybe NAT was doing something that allowed other to write in our blocks repo, but we couldn't provide our blocks around. We tried manually doing what i believe could be a NAT traversal (???) simulating a connection from the peers swarm to our "virtual" swarm, then actually connecting to the remote peer from main swarm : silly stuff started happening, but it kinda worked. Because of the performance spike (and probably security breach) we were encountering, we falled back to using ipfs.client to connect to our server/node(???) (as this engine allowed us to use an ip rather than a passphrase) to write data, and the common engine to read. It always kind of felt like we were missing something, both because of the instability of the builds, both because of the debugging always giving different results from the same tests .-.