Info: Solarus 1.6.0 Info: Opening quest 'C:/Users/Tyler/Desktop/solarus-1.6.0-win32/solarus' Info: Joypad support enabled: true Info: SDL: 2.0.8 Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glActiveTexture That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glAttachShader That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glBindAttribLocation That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glBlendEquationSeparate That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glBlendFuncSeparate That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glCompileShader That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glCreateProgram That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glCreateShader That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glDeleteProgram That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glDeleteShader That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glDisableVertexAttribArray That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glEnableVertexAttribArray That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glGenFramebuffers That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glGetProgramiv That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glGetShaderInfoLog That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glGetShaderiv That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glGetUniformLocation That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glGetVertexAttribiv That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glLinkProgram That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glShaderBinary That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glShaderSource That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glUniform1i That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glUniform1f That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glUniform2f That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glUniform3f That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glUniform4f That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glUniformMatrix3fv That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glUniformMatrix4fv That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glUseProgram That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glVertexAttribPointer That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glBindFramebuffer That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glFramebufferTexture2D That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glCheckFramebufferStatus That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glDeleteFramebuffers That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glGetAttribLocation That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glGetProgramInfoLog That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glGenBuffers That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glBindBuffer That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glBufferData That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glBufferSubData That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glGenVertexArrays That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glBindVertexArray That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glDeleteVertexArrays That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glDebugMessageCallback That operation is not supported Warning: Couldn't load GLES2 function glDebugMessageControl That operation is not supported