WRT to Seattle IPFS hackathon: james [1:11 PM] @kumavis cool - Joyent is willing to help with the venue, food/drinks and some local advertising. I think they’ll want to be able to give a 5 min plug. We recently were chosen as a finalist for their "Node.js & Docker Innovator Program”. Our main contact is in Seattle and they have been really great work with and embrace OSS : https://www.joyent.com/blog/node-and-docker-innovator-finalists-2016 joyent.com Joyent | Announcing the 2016 Node.js & Docker Innovator Program Finalists After reviewing hundreds of applications from talented tech innovators, we’re pleased to announce the 2nd annual Node.js and Docker Innovator Program finalists. Follow along during coming year as we highlight these tech innovators, learn why they selected Node.js and Docker, and share their production best practices and user stories. One of these finalists will also be honoured with the Innovator of the Year award.