*edit:* ~~not sure if anyone else has been frustrated over the lack of a reasonably secure IPFS key management method. Quickly jammed out this to use in my own projects, and while it's not "super duper secure" like vault, IMO it is orders of magnitude more secure than storing your keys in plaintext on disk or in memory like it's done now 😄 https://github.com/RTradeLtd/rtfs/tree/krab/krab It's a valid keystore as it adheres to the `Keystore` interface, so it should easily be usable within current IPFS projects~~ -> not sure if anyone else has been frustrated over the lack of a reasonably secure IPFS key management method. Quickly jammed out this to use in my own projects, and while it's not "super duper secure" like vault, IMO it is orders of magnitude more secure than storing your keys in plaintext on disk or in memory like it's done now 😄 https://github.com/RTradeLtd/rtfs/tree/krab/krab It's a valid keystore as it adheres to the `Keystore` interface, so it should easily be usable within current IPFS projects. It will be updated overtime, ideally will use nacl boxes as the final method of storing the keys