12:02:42 AM - hazzy-lab: haha 12:05:45 AM - hazzy-lab: I was in a rush to get something 3d printed today, and my Linux laptop was down so I used the windows one, it sat for about an hour crunching the toolpath and then hung, so I gave up on it an got the linux one running, it took less than 30s using the same slicer, same part models and same config 12:06:07 AM - hazzy-lab: they are identical laptops too, so that was not a factor 12:06:27 AM - hazzy-lab: actually, the windows on has 8gb more ram 12:07:54 AM - hazzy-lab: If it weren't for solidworks I would probably not need a windoze machine 12:08:00 AM - hazzy-lab: which is a happy though :D 12:08:08 AM - hazzy-lab: +t