It's amazing how completely wrong the Republicans on the courts are. Their job is to defend us from laws of government overreach. It's not the job of the Texas state government to bust in and arrest you for having sex with another consenting person over the age of majority and/or consent, yet that's exactly what Texas tried to do that led to the Lawrence case. One of the Republicans, forget who, said that if he was on the Texas legislature, he would vote to repeal the law, because the state had better things to do (Which is absolutely correct.), but then he meandered off into some diatribe about how it's not the court's job to protect the public from out-of-control government that is squandering resources that could be spent solving real crimes and sending law enforcement on a goose chase (Tonight on BEDROOM COPS! Uhm, yeah, let's start kicking down the doors of those no tell motels and see how fast the straight people want it to stop.) that tramples individual liberties. Which meant that he did not understand his job and should either resign or be impeached. I have an even better idea. If it's the state's job to monitor our sex lives, why stop at criminalizing sex acts? Let's make it mandatory to put facial recognition cameras in every bedroom. Yeah, that way the state can scan you and your sex partner's faces and genitals, and if there's any unauthorized hanky panky going on, they can just send the Minority Report police out after you. That's a great idea, yeah? Or maybe they can just have people in scramble suits narcing on their neighbors and watching cameras that randomly turn on in your bedroom. Sort of like A Scanner Darkly. That way, with the Panopticon Effect, people will self-regulate their behavior on the chance that someone _might_ be watching them, even though there almost certainly isn't.