Hey! I have a question about JS-IPFS. Let's say I want to display a gallery of images on a webpage, and those images are on IPFS. Stuff on IPFS takes a *long* time to discover / fetch, so I'd like to spawn a local node using `js-ipfs` to help. Right now, I'm doing something like this : ```javascript gallery.ipfs.on("ready", () => { fetch("./json/gallery.json").then(response => response.json()).then(json => { json.galleries.forEach(element => { console.log("ipfs pin add " + element.base32); gallery.ipfs.pin.add(element.base32, function (err, res) { console.log(err, res); }); }); }); }); ``` Is it appropriate to call `ipfs.pin.add` like that? Is that really helping? What should I do if I want to use the spawn node efficiently?