Hello. I am tying to download nix declaration through the network from private gitlab installation. I found thant nixpkgs `fetchurl` supports `curlOpts` arguments which I could use to pass authorization token for gitlab, so this is my declaration: ``` let rev = "20190902.50"; sha256 = "09330cmhrc2wmfhdj9zzg82sv6cdhm4qgdkva5ni5xfjril2pf14"; token = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"; pkgs = import {}; in pkgs.fetchurl { url = "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/90/repository/archive.tar.gz?sha=${rev}"; curlOpts = "-H 'PRIVATE-TOKEN:${token}'"; inherit sha256; } ``` It builds successfully: ``` $ nix-build nixpkgs.nix /nix/store/ans05wd64q2xd40fdd2wqqn5p5h5s581-archive.tar.gz?sha=20190902.50 ``` But archive contents is not what gitlab sends. And `sha256` value not having any effect: ``` $ tar --list -f '/nix/store/ans05wd64q2xd40fdd2wqqn5p5h5s581-archive.tar.gz?sha=20190902.50' metadata.gz data.tar.gz checksums.yaml.gz ``` Whats wrong about `nixpkgs.fetchurl`?