```====================== 2. System Requirements ====================== 
 Visit the Linux downloads section at www.elotouch.com to download the driver package for your 32 bit Intel, 64 bit AMD/Intel or 32 bit ARM v7l Linux. 
 - 32 bit Intel i686 (x86) platform (or) 64 bit AMD/Intel x86_64 platform 
 - Kernels supported: Kernel version 4.x.x Kernel version 3.x.x 
 - Xorg Xwindows version supported: Xorg version 6.8.2 - 7.2 Xorg Xserver version 1.3 and newer 
 - Motif versions supported: Motif version 3.0 (libXm.so.3) 
 - libusb versions supported: libusb version 1.0.9 or later 
 - Uinput kernel module versions supported: uinput version 0.4 or later```