Hi, ho, I'm sorry to beg for help but I keep going 'round 'round on the same issue. I got a domain and a Wordpress site hosted on Reclaim hosting about a month ago. https://nelkat.net/ It's running Sempress and has the IndieWeb plugins (IndieWeb, IndieAuth, Webmentions, Semantic-Linkbacks, Syndication Links, etc.). I really like it but I think that I must be doing something wrong in the way that I have filled in my profile page. When I plug the site address into IndieWebify Me, it says that it finds the rel=me links but that they don't link back. I originally started trying the IndieWeb with some of my wordpress.com sites - could that be blocking the link back? I've got a Brid.gy user page and have updated it so that it has the nelkat.net site rather than the journeywomanjournal.wordpress.com site and tried to add the new site to profile pages but I must be doing something wrong....the rel=me icons are on the nelkat.net pages and serve as nice hyperlinks to other sites but I'm trying to figure out how to cross-post automatically. In some ways it's a moot point because I will be migrating and consolidating most of the other blogs to my own domain (so please don't worry about this if you all are busy) but I would really like to figure out what I'm doing wrong. Thank you!!!