this prompts a question, as perhaps i misunderstood something, is there a secure and simple way to have peers automatically added to the cluster control? without the necessity of adding them to the peer configuration for the cluster control unit service? How would one do this programmatically? is it achievable? I don't like the concept of having our users running an image that we remotely control the pinning of content for directly thru tcp, should we be aware of any dangers with doing that? I much prefer the concept of downloading the hash list from a trusted source of mirrors, and then have ipfs natively run those imports. right now there is no job management build into ipfs native so i have to manage it with my own script, my script works but still it would be really fantastic if ipfs auto-retry pins that failed. Then my script wouldn't need to keep retrying which is obviously inefficient. Also because there is no --read-timeout command I can't reasonably set the timeout to a high value since it makes the jobs for small files that read-timeout really long. Obviously we want this replication to also come from public bootstrap and it seemed like ipfs cluster service looks like private only, known peers only in control configs. I don't know, it feels like what I'm doing should be really a lot simpler and easier than it is, but ipfs has no native management of pinning lists, why?