Hi, this is my first comment here and I'd just like to say how much I am enjoying Nix and NixOS, I've been using NixOS for three months now and have really loved the experience. The question I have relates to a home-manager powered configuration of my user environment. I'm not very confident with the nix specific jargon so forgive me but feel free to correct me if some of my terminology is incorrect. I have a file imported by home.nix called bspwm-workstation.nix, this file uses ``` imports = [ ../../programs/terminal/alacritty.nix ]; ``` to import a nix file that sets the shared (imported by multiple workstation files) configuration for alacritty. This file looks like (shortened) ``` { config, pkgs, ... }: { programs.alacritty ={ enable = true; settings = { env."TERM" = "xterm-256color"; background_opacity = 0.95; window = { padding.x = 10; padding.y = 10; decorations = "buttonless"; }; font = { size = 12.0; use_thin_strokes = true; normal.family = "FuraCode Nerd Font"; bold.family = "FuraCode Nerd Font"; italic.family = "FuraCode Nerd Font"; }; }; }; } ``` the issue I am having is that within the bspwm-worstation.nix file that imports this alacritty configuration I need to override two settings, I am trying to do this currently using ``` programs.alacritty = { settings = { font = { use_thin_strokes = false; }; }; }; ``` But this is getting rid of all the font settings, leaving just font.use_thin_strokes in the final settings configuration, however the custom window settings are being kept. The [home-manager definition for alacritty is here](https://github.com/rycee/home-manager/blob/master/modules/programs/alacritty.nix)