"gboutry. Can you add this to the..." <- I'm not sure this totally fixes the bug, it looks like this revision [1] is the real issue. All tables created before this revision is applied have the tuple (charset, collation) = (utf8mb4, utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci) But the revision [1] sets `service_statuses` to (utf8mb3, utf8mb3_general_ci), and it is also applied as the new default of the database. Then, this revision [2] (applied after the fix charset revision) is trying to create the `shared_zones` table with (utf8mb3, utf8mb3_general_ci), which fails due to table `zone` being (utf8mb4, utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci) I've tested to apply every migration while skipping fix charset, and the db sync commands completes correctly, with all tables being my database default charset/collation: (utf8mb4, utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci) [1] (fix charset): https://opendev.org/openstack/designate/src/branch/stable/2023.1/designate/storage/impl_sqlalchemy/alembic/versions/15b34ff3ecb8_fix_service_charset.py [2] (shared_zones): https://opendev.org/openstack/designate/src/branch/stable/2023.1/designate/storage/impl_sqlalchemy/alembic/versions/b20189fd288e_shared_zone.py