* Marijn: (I'm the 10-bit panel guy again) I've spent some more time looking over the downstream DTS and schematics for my device. The backlight is handled by a separate chip (NT50372S) which is apparently wired via a node called "SWIRE". In my downstream DTS I see a "qcom,qpnp-amoled-regulator" collection with "qcom,swire-control". Now, I assume these must be enabled for the backlight to function. The issue is that these seem to be entirely unsupported by mainline and konradybcio mentions in https://lore.kernel.org/linux-arm-msm/8737f195-673f-4837-9a2a-80c3be93e6cf@linaro.org/ that they are configured by XBL. Sadly I'm on SM8450, where the presence of the "cont\_splash\_memory" region in the mainline DTS causes XBL to keep MDSS clocks enabled, so I have to remove that region entirely. My guess now is that removing this region also means XBL won't configure these regulators. My question now is: Am I making this up or does this sound plausible? EDIT: I've imported the driver for these from downstream and that still won't make it work... What else could possibly be disabled by the bootloader?