Hello, do we have any thoughts to support specifying a URL for verify_ca, rather than just a local path? (e.g.: http://:/.crt, http://:/.tar.gz) For RHOCP IPI(installer provisioned infrastructure) installation, the cluster nodes are provisioned through containerized Ironic, and the whole process is fully automated, currently there is a problem: I want to use local-CAs-signed certificate to interact with BMC for security reason, but there is no way to mount the root certificate into the Ironic container during the IPI installation process. It may be possible to do it with some relatively hacky methods, but this is not suitable for a production environment. Modifying IPI process to achieve this is very complicated and potentially high-impact. Therefore, if Ironic can support the URL verify_ca path, then we only need to deploy an httpd service to solve this problem, which will bring great convenience. I wonder if such a proposal is acceptable.