mrkiko: what I do; `docker build --file Containerfile-debian --rm --tag openwrt:debian ./` to build a debian container. (OpenWRT also generates some, but they where failing for me due to being based on debian, so I created an alpine one which works). I build the container only once every few months, because dependencies don't change so often. Then, I create a git worktree (though that's fully optionally)`git worktree add ../whatever -b whatever; cd ../whatever` Finally I spin up docker; `docker run --ulimit 'nofile=1024:262144' --rm -it -v $(pwd):/workdir openwrt:debian /bin/bash` and then, I have an isolated environment. I tend to do `alias make='make -j10 V=sc'` but that's up to you, from there on, just build `make`y stuff :) I should put this on the wiki maybe :)