[D] unknown:0 - FileChooser.OpenFile called with parameters: [D] unknown:0 - handle: "/org/freedesktop/portal/desktop/request/1_3098/qt4224824017" [D] unknown:0 - app_id: "" [D] unknown:0 - parent_window: "x11:2" [D] unknown:0 - title: "Please choose a file" [D] unknown:0 - options: QMap(("directory", QVariant(bool, false))("filters", QVariant(QDBusArgument, ))("modal", QVariant(bool, true))("multiple", QVariant(bool, false))) [D] unknown:0 - FileChooser dialog options not supported. [D] unknown:0 - Asking Lipstick daemon to show a dialog [D] unknown:0 - FileChooser failed: "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown" "The name org.freedesktop.impl.portal.desktop.amber.ui was not provided by any .service files"