🔗Press/Media Contact
You can reach us by email at [email protected], or reach Matthew or Amandine on Matrix via Riot.im (or your favourite Matrix client).
🔗Who is Matrix.org?
Matrix.org is the world leader in decentralised encrypted communication, with project lead Matthew Hodgson a regular speaker at conferences such as FOSDEM and decentralisation/privacy summits. In Sept 2016 Matrix released the world's first ever publicly audited end-to-end encryption “Olm”, based on the Double Ratchet Algorithm.
Matrix core team is based in London (UK) and Rennes (France).
🔗Branding Identity
Matrix logo, black on transparent background, PNG format (also available in SVG)

Matrix logo, white on transparent background, PNG format
The Foundation needs you
The Matrix.org Foundation is a non-profit and only relies on donations to operate. Its core mission is to maintain the Matrix Specification, but it does much more than that.
It maintains the matrix.org homeserver and hosts several bridges for free. It fights for our collective rights to digital privacy and dignity.
Support us