Synapse 1.9.0 contains a bunch of new admin APIs as well as bug fixes to existing ones. In particular we have a new end point that allows admins to query which rooms their server participates in.

Aside from that it is worth noting that we have officially dropped support for SQLite versions < 3.11. Though more generally we would recommend that all admins migrate to Postgres for anything other than test and evaluation purposes.

Get the new release from github or any of the sources mentioned at

Changelog since Synapse 1.8.0

Synapse 1.9.0 (2020-01-23)

WARNING: As of this release, Synapse no longer supports versions of SQLite before 3.11, and will refuse to start when configured to use an older version. Administrators are recommended to migrate their database to Postgres (see instructions here).

If your Synapse deployment uses workers, note that the reverse-proxy configurations for the, and workers have changed, with the addition of a few paths (see the updated configurations here). Existing configurations will continue to work.

Improved Documentation

  • Fix endpoint documentation for the List Rooms admin API. (#6770)

Synapse 1.9.0rc1 (2020-01-22)


  • Allow admin to create or modify a user. Contributed by Awesome Technologies Innovationslabor GmbH. (#5742)
  • Add new quarantine media admin APIs to quarantine by media ID or by user who uploaded the media. (#6681, #6756)
  • Add org.matrix.e2e_cross_signing to unstable_features in /versions as per MSC1756. (#6712)
  • Add a new admin API to list and filter rooms on the server. (#6720)


  • Correctly proxy HTTP errors due to API calls to remote group servers. (#6654)
  • Fix media repo admin APIs when using a media worker. (#6664)
  • Fix "CRITICAL" errors being logged when a request is received for a uri containing non-ascii characters. (#6682)
  • Fix a bug where we would assign a numeric user ID if somebody tried registering with an empty username. (#6690)
  • Fix purge_room admin API. (#6711)
  • Fix a bug causing Synapse to not always purge quiet rooms with a low max_lifetime in their message retention policies when running the automated purge jobs. (#6714)
  • Fix the synapse_port_db not correctly running background updates. Thanks @tadzik for reporting. (#6718)
  • Fix changing password via user admin API. (#6730)
  • Fix /events/:event_id deprecated API. (#6731)
  • Fix monthly active user limiting support for worker mode, fixes #4639. (#6742)
  • Fix bug when setting account_validity to an empty block in the config. Thanks to @Sorunome for reporting. (#6747)
  • Fix AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get' in hash_password when configuration has an empty password_config. Contributed by @ivilata. (#6753)
  • Fix the docker-compose.yaml overriding the entire /etc folder of the container. Contributed by Fabian Meyer. (#6656)

Improved Documentation

  • Fix a typo in the configuration example for purge jobs in the sample configuration file. (#6621)
  • Add complete documentation of the message retention policies support. (#6624, #6665)
  • Add some helpful tips about changelog entries to the GitHub pull request template. (#6663)
  • Clarify the account_validity and email sections of the sample configuration. (#6685)
  • Add more endpoints to the documentation for Synapse workers. (#6698)

Deprecations and Removals

  • Synapse no longer supports versions of SQLite before 3.11, and will refuse to start when configured to use an older version. Administrators are recommended to migrate their database to Postgres (see instructions here). (#6675)

Internal Changes

  • Add local_current_membership table for tracking local user membership state in rooms. (#6655, #6728)
  • Port synapse.replication.tcp to async/await. (#6666)
  • Fixup synapse.replication to pass mypy checks. (#6667)
  • Allow additional_resources to implement IResource directly. (#6686)
  • Allow REST endpoint implementations to raise a RedirectException, which will redirect the user's browser to a given location. (#6687)
  • Updates and extensions to the module API. (#6688)
  • Updates to the SAML mapping provider API. (#6689, #6723)
  • Remove redundant RegistrationError class. (#6691)
  • Don't block processing of incoming EDUs behind processing PDUs in the same transaction. (#6697)
  • Remove duplicate check for the session query parameter on the /auth/xxx/fallback/web Client-Server endpoint. (#6702)
  • Attempt to retry sending a transaction when we detect a remote server has come back online, rather than waiting for a transaction to be triggered by new data. (#6706)
  • Add StateMap type alias to simplify types. (#6715)
  • Add a DeltaState to track changes to be made to current state during event persistence. (#6716)
  • Add more logging around message retention policies support. (#6717)
  • When processing a SAML response, log the assertions for easier configuration. (#6724)
  • Fixup to pass mypy. (#6732, #6764)
  • Fixup synapse.api to pass mypy. (#6733)
  • Allow streaming cache 'invalidate all' to workers. (#6749)
  • Remove unused CI docker compose files. (#6754)

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