The 2019 Matrix Holiday Update!

24.12.2019 00:00 — GeneralMatthew Hodgson

Hi all,

Every year we do an annual wrap-up and retrospective of all the things happening in the Matrix core team - if you’re feeling particularly curious or bored you can check out the 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 editions for context. The idea is to look at the bigger picture trends in Matrix outside of the weekly TWIM posts to get an idea of the stuff which we made progress on, and the stuff which still remains.

That said, it’s hard to know where to start - Matrix accelerated more than ever before in 2019, and there’s been progress on pretty much all battlefronts. So as a different format, let’s take the stuff we said we had planned for 2019 from the end of last year’s update and see what we actually achieved...

2019: the immediate priorities

So, our immediate priorities for 2019 were:

  • r0 spec releases across the board (aka Matrix 1.0)
  • Implementing them in Synapse

✅ Well, unless you’ve been floating in a sensory deprivation tank for the last year, hopefully you spotted that Matrix (as a protocol) finally exited beta - starting off with the announcement at FOSDEM in February of the first stable release of the Server-Server API, alongside the Synapse 0.99.x series as we began the process of migrating to the 1.0 APIs.

Specifically this meant killing off self-signed certificates, adding .well-known server discovery and implementing room version semantics so we could upgrade the underlying room version algorithm to fix the residual flaws. This culminated in June with the official release of Matrix 1.0 - now including the remaining APIs and a stable release of Synapse 1.0. The emphasis was on addressing all the main pre-1.0 design flaws rather than adding features or performance, but with 1.0 out the door at last we’ve been able to make progress there too.

  • Landing the Riot redesign

✅ The full redesign of Riot’s UI on Web/Desktop landed shortly after FOSDEM in Feb with The Big 1.0. Cosmetically we got most of the new look & feel in place, and have had very positive feedback overall - although some of the UX thinkos of the old app remain and coming up on the radar for fixing.

  • Finalising the Foundation

✅ This happened too, coincident with releasing Matrix 1.0 in June - read all about it at So far the governance and legal infrastructure the Foundation provides has helped the project significantly, and while it was a mammoth task to organise, we’re very glad it’s here! Huge thanks go out to Jon, Ross and Jutta for agreeing to join the foundation as Guardians - they have been excellent in patiently listening to the various dramas of the year and ensuring Matrix’s neutrality and that we keep an even keel.

  • Landing all the new E2E encryption UX and features

The good news on E2E encryption is that we’ve been making solid progress throughout the year - the bad news is that we are still yet to turn it on by default. Progress updates for the various pieces of the puzzle are as follows:

  • ✅ The final UX is pretty much locked down (after several iterations as we try to tread the balance between trustworthiness and security) - here’s a sneak preview of what we’re aiming at.

  • 🏗 Cross-signing is the single biggest remaining piece of work in progress - letting users attest to the trustworthiness of their own devices, so you only ever have to trust a given user once rather than trusting all their devices individually. We gave a very early demo of an experimental implementation back at FOSDEM in Feb, inspired by some of the initial spec proposal at MSC1680 (MSC = Matrix Spec Change, our process for evolving Matrix).

    However, having played with it a bit, MSC1680 turned out to be too generic and complicated (it worked by the user signing a device with any other of their devices, building a twisted maze of which device vouched for which) - and we replaced it with MSC1756, which shifts the model to be the simpler “the user has a key, which they use to sign their devices”. However, this in turn requires more infrastructure - you need somewhere secure to store your signing key, which prompted MSC1946 - Secure Secret Storage & Sharing (SSSS): the ability to sync your signing key between devices by storing it (encrypted, of course) on the server.

    Meanwhile, it also became obvious that the primitives for key verification needed to be improved too: introducing verification by emoji comparison (MSC1267) and QR codes (MSC1543), and switching key verification to be performed in the context of a DM (MSC2241) so that you can see your verification history, find verifications, and easily dip in and out of verifying users as needed.

    Whilst everyone else was panicking about Matrix 1.0 and associated baggage, Uhoreg was off in the wilderness plugging his way through all of this - iterating on the design, speccing it and implementing it in synapse and matrix-js-sdk, complete with a test jig to demonstrate it all working (part 1 and part 2). Over the last few months the rest of the team has joined him though, and we’ve been frantically working away implementing it all on both Riot/Web, iOS & RiotX/Android. For instance - here’s verification happening in DM between Riot/Web & RiotX a few weeks ago, and here’s a very early (unskinned) cut of verification happening in Riot/Web’s RightPanel a few days ago.

    We were hoping to get cross-signing ready for the end of 2019, but in practice we’re now sprinting to get it done by FOSDEM 2020 in Feb - not least because we have a main-stage talk proposed to tell everyone how we landed it and turned on E2E by default... ;)

  • ✅ Support for non-E2E clients. The last thing we want is to make it impossible to write a simple Matrix client, or to suddenly excommunicate (hah) all the existing Matrix bots & bridges which haven’t implemented E2E. To this end, poljar created pantalaimon - our very own Matrix daemon, which can sit in the background and offload all your E2EE from your Matrix client by acting as a transparent Matrix proxy which magically encrypts everything. Built on matrix-nio and asyncio python3, We use it in production today for running various bots and it works excellently.

  • ✅ Support for search in E2E rooms. Hot off the heels of pantalaimon’s success, poljar also created seshat - a native library for clientside indexing encrypted Matrix events written in Rust, powered by the tantivy full-text search engine. (pantalaimon also has support for indexing via tantivy, which involved contributing python bindings for tantivy, but we ended up going with Rust so we could embed it natively in as many Matrix clients as possible). Seshat is particularly cool in that the indexes themselves are encrypted in on disk - and in future could even be synced between clients using SSSS so you don’t have to reindex your messages every time you log in on a new device. Seshat is implemented behind a labs flag on Riot/Desktop and it will ship as soon Riot/Desktop’s build pipeline is fully updated to support native modules (which will also unlock other goodies, such as using faster/safer native E2E primitives, safer key storage, and Discord-style keyboard-shortcuts for VoIP).

  • 🏗 Fixing “unable to decrypt” errors. We’ve done big sprint over the last month or so to track down the final straggling causes of unable to decrypt errors. Some of these are legitimate bugs (e.g. - but many are artefacts of the current architecture: for instance, if the sender has no way to know your device was in the room when it encrypted a message, you won’t be able to decrypt. We’re addressing this by improving better error messages and feedback so the user isn’t surprised by what’s going on (aiming for Jan) - and in future we’ll have to revisit E2E’s fundamentals to ensure that it’s impossible to receive a message without also receiving the key to decrypt it.

  • ✅ Support for push notifications in E2E rooms. This is kinda solved right now by having all clients get (silently) pushed whenever they receive a message in an E2E room with push enabled, and relying on the client to be woken up by the push in order to decrypt the message in order to display the push notification. However, this is battery intensive, and we could probably do better - but this isn’t a blocker for going live.

  • 🏗 Support for FilePanel and NotifPanel in E2E rooms. Seshat should fix this by indexing all your messages (and so tracking whether they contain pushes or files, and populating up your local view of your file & notif panels respectively) - just need to ensure it’s hooked up.

...and that’s where things stand right now on E2E by default. We’ll start turning it on by default for private rooms as soon as the UX has landed (probably starting first with new DMs and private rooms, prompting the user in case they want to opt out - and then migrating existing ones). It’s worth noting that we have poured a lot of work into E2E encryption now - often to the detriment of the rest of Matrix; our rich featureset and decentralisation has combined to make this a tough nut to crack, but the end is in sight. Thanks to all for your patience and support while we’ve been working through this.

That takes us to the end of the stuff we planned to prioritise in 2019 - but what about the more speculative medium-term stuff which was on the menu this time last year?

2019: the medium-term priorities

  • Reworking and improving Communities/Groups.

We have some really promising UX work and a fairly early spec proposal (MSC1772), but work in earnest hasn’t kicked off yet. It’s going to be one of the next big projects though.

  • Reactions.

✅ Riot now has Reactions! 🎉🎉🎉 The only remaining work is to finish the remaining rough edges of the spec proposal (MSC1849) and actually land them in the Matrix spec proper.

  • E2E-encrypted Search

Seshat exists! (see above)

  • Filtering. (empowering users to filter out rooms & content they're not interested in).

✅ We’ve ended up thinking lots in 2019 about empowering users to filter content. The main impetus has been to ensure that users and communities can filter out abuse (on their own terms), and also to start building infrastructure which can be used for folks to share their own filters. Over the last few months, this has started to take concrete form - with the arrival of MSC2313 “Moderation policies as rooms”, and Mjolnir - a bot you can run to enforce moderation policies on your rooms. It’s all quite early, but we expect a lot more work in this space over the coming year (and it’s wryly amusing that Twitter has also woken up to it being an interesting problem needing to be solved.)

  • Extensible events

Sorry folks; no progress here since a flurry of spec work (MSC1767) back in Jan 2019. The good news is that the spec proposal seems to be relatively well received. The bad news is that we haven’t had bandwidth to finish reviewing it, implementing it and migrating it anywhere. It blocks a bunch of really useful stuff in Matrix, and there are users willing to pay for it (via New Vector) - we’ll get to it as soon as we can.

  • Editable messages.

✅ These landed too and are a thing of joy! Just need to merge MSC1849.

  • Extensible Profiles (we've actually been experimenting with this already).

Similar to Extensible Events, there was a flurry of spec work (MSC1769) back in Jan, but little progress since. This will also unlock a lot of really useful features - e.g. custom status, custom profile data, social timeline rooms etc. We’ll likely get to it shortly after communities work.

  • Threading.

🏗 So we actually landed label-based threading (MSC2326) in Synapse 1.6, but it’s not exposed in Riot yet (or elsewhere). It doesn’t have quite the same semantics as Slack-style threading; the idea is to filter down your room based on which messages are tagged as part of a given topic. However, it’s very powerful, and it’ll be fun to add it to Riot at some point in 2020. Meanwhile, better-than-label-based-threading is also on the cards, although slightly lower priority than some of the other stuff in this section.

  • Landing the Riot/Android rewrite

🏗 As you probably know, RiotX is a full rewrite of Riot/Android in Kotlin using modern AndroidX and Jetpack idioms - and it entered beta back in June. Since then we’ve been frantically working away on both playing catch-up with the old app… as well as implementing all the new stuff (reactions, edits, new E2E verification, cross-signing etc) which makes no sense to waste time adding in Riot/Android, but also pushes out the timeline on RiotX itself.

We’re currently sprinting to try to get RiotX ready for FOSDEM in February - hopefully users will have felt the app starting to really stabilise over the last few months (it even supports breadcrumbs now!)

  • Considering whether to do a similar overhaul of Riot/iOS

🏗 It’s cheating a bit, but Manu (the lead developer on Riot/iOS and delivery manager of Riot/Mobile in general) has been hacking on an entirely new client called Messagerie in his spare time, using SwiftUI. The idea of throwing away the whole UI layer and replacing it with the latest best practices sounds suspiciously like RiotX - it’ll be interesting to see how RiotX/iOS takes shape next year!

  • Scaling synapse via sharding the master process

We ended up bottlenecked on IO rather than CPU in 2019, and as a result we worked on splitting synapse’s database across multiple database instances on a per-table granularity. However, the master process itself doesn’t shard yet; so we’re now bottlenecked on CPU and need to get on and do this asap to unlock further Synapse scalability for mega-monolithic-deployments like the homeserver.

  • Bridge UI for discovery of users/rooms and bridge status

🏗 There’s been a bit of movement in the last few weeks on this, but nothing concrete yet.

  • Bandwidth-efficient transports

✅ We finished the 100bps CoAP transport proof-of-concept for Matrix, demoed it at FOSDEM and shipped it in March. However, we haven’t progressed it much further; it really needs a corporate sponsor who wants to fund work to finish it off and bake it properly into Matrix. If you’re interested, please get in touch.

  • Bandwidth-efficient routing

🏗 We also did a bunch of related work on bandwidth-efficient routing, which sadly hasn’t been released yet. However, it’s interesting to note that the Decentralized Systems and Network Services Research Group at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology’s Institute of Telematics has been looking into this space too - c.f. their A Glimpse of the Matrix paper, which ponders very similar problems.

  • Getting Dendrite to production.

🏗 Dendrite work has been bubbling away in the background thanks to Anoa, Brendan, cnly (our GSoC dendrite contributor) and others. Inevitably most of our bandwidth has gone into getting Synapse to 1.0 and making sure it’s fit for purpose, but we want and need to keep Dendrite alive for next-generation purposes - and in fact New Vector is hiring new people to work on it in 2020.

  • Inline widgets (polls etc)

🏗 We have an MSC (MSC2192), but not an implementation.

  • Improving VoIP over Matrix.

Very little progress here, frustratingly. Jitsi has been upgraded and conference calls should kick ass these days (let us know if they don’t), but 1:1 needs a lot of love. Hopefully we’ll get to it in 2020.

  • Adding more bridges, and improving the current ones.

Lots of bridging progress in 2020 - all new puppeting Slack support; huge fixes to the IRC bridge (including shifting to Postgres at last); Bifrost (the XMPP bridge) progressed too, and there’s been loads of community bridging work around WhatsApp, Discord and others.

  • Account portability
  • Replacing MXIDs with public keys

We’ve just started looking at implementing these seriously via MSC1228 (as of last week) - expect progress in 2020.

So that sums up progress on the medium term menu - as you can see, a bunch actually happened; a bunch made progress; a few didn’t happen at all.

2019: the longer-term priorities

Finally, on the longer term radar:

  • Shared-code cross-platform client SDKs (e.g. sharing a native core library between matrix-{js,ios,android}-sdk)

No progress here. Instead, all three main platforms have continued to write and maintain their own platform-specific SDKs for now. Seshat however will be the first piece of native rust code shared across all 3 platforms - let’s see how that goes first...

  • Matrix daemons (e.g. running an always-on client as a background process in your OS which apps can connect to via a lightweight CS API)

Pantalaimon lives!

  • Push notifications via Matrix (using a daemon-style architecture)

No progress here, unless you count the CoAP low-bandwidth work. However, Bubu (also Riot/Android Fdroid maintainer) has been working on a project called OpenPush which looks to help in this space (albeit not built on Matrix, but could be used by Matrix). There are a few other related projects. If someone wants to build this on top of Matrix + CoAP please get in touch asap!

  • Clientside homeservers (i.e. p2p matrix) - e.g. compiling Dendrite to WASM and running it in a service worker.

🏗 Work is actually happening on this currently. Dendrite has successfully compiled to WASM and runs, and we’ve had it (almost) talking HTTP tunnelled over libp2p as part of P2P Matrix experiments. In 2020 we’re going to be investing a lot in P2P Matrix - to give users full control of their communication without even having to run a server, and also to simplify onboarding and account portability enormously. We have a talk about this accepted for FOSDEM 2020 (The Path to P2P Matrix) and we’re actively (frantically) hacking on Dendrite to make it happen - keep an eye out for how things develop!

  • Experimenting with MLS for E2E Encryption

🏗 Now that E2E-by-default has entered the “it works! let’s land it in Riot asap” phase, Uhoreg has had some time to start thinking about the longer term future of encryption in Matrix. MLS (Messaging Layer Security) is the IETF’s initiative to define a standard mechanism for end-to-end-encrypted group chats, which has some major algorithmic improvements over Olm/Megolm and the Double Ratchet Algorithm as used by Signal. The catch is that it doesn’t work at all well with decentralisation - however, we’ve been working with them to try to ensure MLS can work in a decentralised world. More recently, uhoreg has had a chance to think a lot more about this and we’re working on a proposal for Decentralised MLS which builds on plain MLS while also giving the semantics needed for Matrix. It’s all very experimental at this point (and the proof-of-concept implementation is written in Julia!) - but looks promising. We’ll share more asap, and will certainly be investing more time in this in 2020..

  • Storing and querying more generic data structures in Matrix (e.g. object trees; scene graphs)

Sadly no progress here :(

  • Alternate use cases for VR, IoT, etc.

...and none here either.

So, of all the myriad things on our radar for 2019 (as of Dec 2018), hopefully this gives some idea of where we hit the mark.

2019: the unpredictable bits

However, there’s also a tonne of other stuff which happened which wasn’t explicitly on the radar. On the synapse side, we finished fully migrating from Python 2 to Python 3, and started using asyncio and all the latest Python 3 goodies! We finally implemented configurable history retention for servers and rooms! We even implemented self-destructing messages in Synapse (not that Riot exposes them yet). And there has been loads of optimisation and performance work since 1.0 landed in June.

On the ops side, we overhauled all our ops processes and security after the datacenter breach in April, throwing away our legacy infrastructure and rebuilding it properly - and subsequently have been expanding our ops team from one dedicated ops person to four. We also found ourselves having to do another emergency datacenter migration back in November when the old one was unable to reliably service IO for our database cluster.

We also spent a bunch time after shipping Matrix 1.0 working on tightening up Matrix’s privacy model - particularly around third party identity servers, integration managers, and making sure that folks self-hosting Matrix don’t accidentally depend on use 3rd party services without realising it. If you missed out on the fun at the time, you can read all about it here and here. This ended up being way more work than we expected, but we’re very glad to have sorted it out now.

Meanwhile, mainstream uptake of Matrix has properly taken off, with the French Government launching Tchap (their fork of Riot), now with hundreds of thousands of daily active users. The German Government revealed today that they are also formally trialling Matrix, starting with the Bundeswehr (Ministry of Defense); we’ve been helping them out with the deployment too. It is not an exaggeration to suggest that we could end up with an official cross-government Matrix network, publicly federated with the wider Internet, for self-hosted encrypted decentralised instant messaging. In fact Ulrich Kelber, the Bundesdatenschutzbeauftragte (Federal Data Protection Commissioner) for Germany pointed out: “You could even set up a privacy-friendly messenger service in cooperation with France, which in the medium term could represent a real alternative to existing products on the market as a pan-European solution”.

Alongside all this, Mozilla announced they are replacing the Moznet IRC network with Matrix; KDE joined Matrix in Feb, Wikimedia is getting set up on their server, and more and more massive players (including the largest in the world) keep getting in touch to find out how they can best get onboard Matrix - it’s incredibly exciting. It also means that we were able to raise capital to keep folks employed to work on Matrix fulltime via New Vector and scale up as a paid hosting platform - which massively helps support core Matrix development.


All that remains now is to make some predictions for 2020. Our main priorities are:

  • Get E2E enabled for private rooms by default (see above).

  • Riot First-time User Experience (FTUE). While we redesigned Riot’s UI in 2019, there are still far too many weird gotchas which trip over new users. Starting in October we began a shift to completely change how Riot development works - transitioning the project to being led by the UX design team rather than the dev team, and ensuring that the design team considers the app holistically across all 3 platforms. Above all else, our priority is to make it kick ass for normal non-technical mainstream users - not just for opensourcey wizards. This is a tough ask, but we believe it’s literally make-or-break for the project in the long term if Matrix is ever to become as prevalent as Slack or WhatsApp, and we are throwing everything we have at it. The second that E2E is on by default, the entirety of the Riot teams will be focusing on the mission to clear our FTUE backlog.

  • RiotX. We’re shipping RiotX on Android as fast as we can - currently users on Riot/Android are left high and dry and we need to do everything we can to finish RiotX and get them upgraded as rapidly as possible.

  • Communities. Off the back of FTUE comes the importance of grouping rooms & users together into communities in a much better way than we have today. This will be up next.

  • Synapse: shard the master by user/room to avoid being it being bottlenecked on CPU. We also need to apply smarter queue management on federation traffic to better reduce the memory footprint (and so eliminate complexity limits on small-footprint hosted servers!) - and we also desperately need to speed up joins.

  • Dendrite & P2P Matrix: the plan currently is to use Dendrite as the basis for our P2P Matrix experiments. In practice this means making it federate using MSC1228-semantics (no point in wasting time implementing the ‘legacy’ key management), and then experiment with hooking it up to various P2P transports (e.g. our low-bandwidth CoAP transport) and discovery systems (e.g. mDNS; libp2p; etc). How we go about actually getting it into production depends entirely on how well the experiment goes; we could evolve Matrix to be hybrid CS/P2P; we could treat it as a new protocol and bridge to it; who knows. Watch this space...

  • MLS: figure out our plan for next-generation E2E - for better scaling, and better reliability, and what (if anything) we should do with MLS.

  • Bridges: loads of work on the horizon to put a better UX on Bridging. Bridge stability has improved enormously over the last year (thanks Half-Shot!) but we need to transition from being robust but ugly to being robust and polished...

  • Spec: we need to work out how to go faster on reviewing MSCs (both our own and from the wider community). While the governance process in general feels healthier than it’s ever been, empirically we’re not exactly burning through the MSC backlog - and this is in part that MSC work is squeezed in alongside the other dayjob stuff everyone’s working on. Finding the right balance between sculpting spec and sculpting code is tough, but we’re going to try to improve it in 2020.

  • Abuse / Reputation: we want to empower users to make their own minds up about what content they want to see and not see on Matrix (or what they want to host or not host on their servers / communities / rooms). Mjolnir is a good start, but we’ll be continuing to work on this throughout the year.

Meanwhile, all the things listed above that we didn’t get to in 2019 are of course still options on the menu too.

So there you have it. I’ve not even tried to talk about the amazing stuff that the wider Matrix community has been up to - whether that’s amazing new clients like Ditto (React Native!) or Nio! (SwiftUI), or new bridges like mautrix-facebook and mautrix-hangouts, or even poljar’s secret rewrite of weechat-matrix in Rust; your best bet there is to skim through TWIM. Huge undying thanks go out though to everyone who builds on Matrix and keeps the ecosystem maturing and growing (especially while we’re scurrying around shoring up the foundations) - there’s simply no point in Matrix as a protocol without the vibrant community building on top.

All told, it’s been a bit of an epic year (both in terms of wins and fails), and all that remains is to thank everyone who continues to use Matrix (particularly our Patreon supporters) for their ongoing support and for helping the project accelerate forwards. More than ever before, the world needs free and open communication open to all; the age of proprietary communication silos may be coming to an end - consigned to live alongside AOL CDs and Compuserve IDs in the history books. With your support, Matrix can provide a decent mainstream yet decentralised alternative - and we’ll do everything we can to make that happen in 2020.

Happy holidays!

Matthew, Amandine & the whole team.

This Week in Matrix 2019-12-20

21.12.2019 00:20 — This Week in MatrixBen Parsons
Last update: 20.12.2019 18:29

Dept of Status of Matrix 🌡

Matrix selected for the public Mozilla community

You may well have read about it by now, but Mozilla (purveyor of popular web browsers and champion of the open web) selected Matrix to replace IRC for their comms! You can read their own announcement here. Please note that this doesn't have to mean the death of Moznet on IRC - if someone wants to pick up matrix-ircd and finish it off, we can keep exposing an IRC listener too! Huge thanks to everyone who participated in the Mozilla trial and placed their trust in Matrix :)

A Glimpse of the Matrix

Florian reported:

Florian presented his poster A Glimpse of the Matrix:Scalability issues of a new message-oriented data synchronizationmiddleware at the 20th International Middleware Conference at UC Davis, California on 2019-12-11. The poster abstract describes measurements of the public Matrix federation and discusses scalability issues of the current message routing mechanism. Additional details can be found in the Extended Tech Report.

Those scientific publications were based on the data gathered by the DSN Traveller in 2018 which was part of Florian's master's thesis. The anonymized raw data was published in conjunction.

All related resources

— Middleware2019 (@middleware2019) December 12, 2019

Accessibility in Riot/Matrix

Very thorough article on accessibility in Riot/Matrix, written partly in light of the Mozilla announcement.

Dept of Servers 🏢

Synapse v1.7.2

Neil told us:

We shipped 1.7.2 (and 1.7.1) - all admins are encouraged to upgrade asap, note 1.7.1 is a security release, and 1.7.2 fixes a back pagination bug introduced in 1.7.1. Aside from that we are looking at implementing MSC2260: Update the auth rules for events and adding a per media quarantine API.

Deploying Synapse

Several packaging projects have been updated to deploy the new version:


jplatte reported:

another blog post has appeared on the ruma website:

cortex workers performance

Black Hat has been using his Rust cortex Synapse workers project. He reported:

I flexed on other homeservers by making the fastest homeserver in the ping room, made possible with cortex.

Black Hat does point out that this is still in a testing phase, but it's great to see workers being created.

Dept of Bridges 🌉


sorunome said:

Some more work has been done on famedly-email-bridge! Now you can define email routes (e.g. [email protected] -> and optionally have conversations create a new thread room, instead of dumping them into the email room.

zammad tickets bot

It might seem like Half-Shot hasn't made a new bridge in a while, but here he is:

I've started another bot project: This currently splurts zammad tickets into Matrix rooms, and will eventually do a lot more.

Dept of Clients 📱


yuforia said:

Continuum, client for the desktop:

  • Start using experimental asynchronous Flow as observable value for UI. Making use of Kotlin's coroutine features, it makes it possible to update values while avoiding switching to the main UI thread. It's also easier to cancel on-going HTTP requests when their values are no longer needed.


Manu told us:

This week, we have been still working hard on verification by DM. We have started the implementation of cross-signing.

RiotX v0.11.0 released

benoit said:

RiotX: We've released RiotX v0.11.0 on Thursday. It includes support to open (some of) links, soft (and hard) logout, and lots of small UI/UX/crash fixes. For the first release of 2020, we will change the way we handle the initial sync, which can be a long task, by running it in a foreground service. Also the room profile screen should finally arrive.


Bruno reported:

this week I've been working on the new verification flow in the right panel. it's nearly there, but likely won't get merged today anymore.

Dept of Ops 🛠

Matrix Message github action

Nice and simple project for using Matrix messages in Github actions. See the code, or the marketplace page.

Dept of Ping 🏓

RankHostnameMedian MS

Final Thoughts 💭

It being the time of year that it is, some of us will be at 36c3 in a week or so, come chat in if you'd like to say "hi". (You can also say "Guten Tag", which is more fun!)

That's all I know 🏁

See you next week, and be sure to stop by with your updates!

Synapse 1.7.2 released

20.12.2019 00:00 — ReleasesMatthew Hodgson

Hi all,

We've just released Synapse 1.7.2 - a minor point release to address two regressions which snuck into 1.7.0 and 1.7.1. Sorry for the upgrade faff; hopefully we will be back to a saner release cadence shortly. Reminder that if you are on 1.7.0 or earlier you should upgrade asap as 1.7.1 contained security fixes.

Get the new release from github or any of the sources mentioned at

The changelog since 1.7.1 is:

Synapse 1.7.2 (2019-12-20)

This release fixes some regressions introduced in Synapse 1.7.0 and 1.7.1.


  • Fix a regression introduced in Synapse 1.7.1 which caused errors when attempting to backfill rooms over federation. (#6576)
  • Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.7.0 which caused an error on startup when upgrading from versions before 1.3.0. (#6578)

Welcoming Mozilla to Matrix!

19.12.2019 00:00 — In the NewsMatthew Hodgson

Hi all,

We’re incredibly excited that Mozilla just announced that they’ve selected Matrix as the successor to IRC as the communication platform for the public Mozilla community!! This comes off the back of a formal 1-month trial in September to evaluate various options side by side, and now New Vector will be helping Mozilla get their homeserver up and running on the hosting platform over the coming weeks - and federating openly with the rest of the open global Matrix network! :)

We have always been massive fans of Mozilla: they have been an excellent role model as champions of the open web, open standards, not to mention open source - and it’s fair to say that Mozilla has been a major inspiration to how Matrix has evolved (Riot aspires to be to Matrix what Firefox is to the Web: a flagship open source app which provides an accessible friendly interface into an open standard network). It’s very reassuring to see that Mozillians from the trial recognise the alignment and have converged on Matrix as the way forward - it’s a massive win for the open web and standards-based communication in general.

It’s worth noting that we’ve also always been massive fans of IRC, and Matrix is unashamedly derivative of IRC in capabilities and culture, while broadening the scope to decentralised synchronisation and relaying of any kind of data. For context, the genesis of the team which eventually spawned Matrix was on a student IRC server ~20 years ago - and subsequently everything we’ve worked on (up to Matrix) was coordinated exclusively through IRC. We even used to give conference talks on how to run your project/company off IRC. I can’t really overstate how fundamental IRC is to our history - and we still keep our private IRC network online for old time’s sake (albeit bridged to Matrix). The very first protocol bridge we built for Matrix back in 2015 was for IRC - and Moznet and Freenode were the first public bridges we turned on. As of right now, /stats u on Moznet says that there are 4950 connected users, of which 1724 (so 35%) are actually Matrix users connected via the Moznet bridge - effectively using Matrix as a big decentralised IRC bouncer in the sky.

All of this is to say is that we deeply understand how dependent Mozilla has been on IRC over the years, and that we built Matrix to be a worthy successor which tries to capture all the best bits of IRC while providing much richer primitives (E2E encryption, openly federated decentralised chatrooms, arbitrary data sync, HTTP API, VoIP, etc). It’s also worth noting that even though Moznet is being turned off, matrix-ircd exists as a very promising project that exposes any Matrix homeserver as an ircd - so for all you IRC die-hards, Moznet can absolutely live on in the afterlife! (matrix-ircd is still alpha right now, but it’s a relatively modest amount of Rust and PRs are very welcome - if you grok IRC it should be a really really fun project to contribute to).

In other news, the trial in September was an amazing opportunity to gather feedback first-hand from a wide range of Mozillians as they gave Riot and Matrix a spin, often for the first time - and it was a lot of fun to take that feedback and rapidly act on it to improve the app. For instance, having direct expert feedback on our screenreader support meant that we were able to radically improve our accessibility, and we’ve kept up the momentum on this since the trial (regardless of the outcome) with Mozilla & Riot devs hacking together with the aim of making Riot the most accessible communication app out there without exception. Huge thanks to Marco Zehe for all his guidance (and PRs), as well as the rest of!

Meanwhile, Riot’s UX continues to mature in general. One of our two primary projects right now is to improve First Time User Experience (FTUE) - i.e. making our UX as smooth and polished and predictable as possible, especially as seen by new users. This project had just kicked off in September as the Mozilla trial began, and some of the major improvements to the Room Directory and Room Creation flow which subsequently landed in Riot/Web 1.5 were prioritised directly based on Mozillian feedback. Since the trial we’ve been focusing more on our other primary project (getting E2E Encryption enabled by default), but we will be back on FTUE asap - particularly to incorporate all the feedback we anticipate as Mozilla goes live! We are absolutely determined for Riot to have as good if not better UX than the likes of Slack or Discord. New Vector is also actively hiring more designers to come work fulltime on Riot’s UI and UX as we shift Riot’s focus from being developer-led to design-led - if this sounds interesting, please get in touch! And finally, everything is of course open source and PRs are genuinely appreciated to keep Riot heading in the right direction (please just check first if they change the UI/UX).

Finally, in case you’re dreading having to use a graphical chat client like Riot, the Mozilla instance will of course be accessible to any Matrix client that floats your boat - for instance, weechat-matrix also got a spurt of development to support Mozilla IAM single-sign-on so that commandline junkies can get their fix too. (It’s worth noting that weechat-matrix really is an incredibly fully featured and usable client - complete with full end-to-end encryption support. If you haven’t tried it, you’re missing out).

So, to conclude: it has been indescribably valuable to have the expertise and enthusiasm of the Mozilla community in contributing feedback and fixes to Riot (and even building new Matrix bots!). Huge thanks to everyone who invested their time and energy participating in the trial and for their trust in concluding that Matrix was the way forward. We see this as a massive responsibility and honour to help power the wider Mozilla community, and we will do everything we can to make it as successful as conceivably possible :)

To the future of an open web, with even more open communications!

Matthew, Amandine & the whole Matrix & Riot team :)

P.S. we’ve come a long way since Matrix was first proposed for Mozilla :D

Synapse 1.7.1 released

18.12.2019 00:00 — ReleasesRichard van der Hoff

Hi folks; today we are releasing Synapse 1.7.1.

This is a security release which fixes some problems which affected all previous versions of Synapse. We advise all admins whose servers are open to public federation to upgrade as soon as possible.

Full details follow, but the most important change improves event authorization, thereby preventing the ability to add certain events to a given room erroneously.

You can get the new release from github or any of the sources mentioned at

The changelog since 1.7.0 follows:

Security updates

  • Fix a bug which could cause room events to be incorrectly authorized using events from a different room. (#6501, #6503, #6521, #6524, #6530, #6531)
  • Fix a bug causing responses to the /context client endpoint to not use the pruned version of the event. (#6553)
  • Fix a cause of state resets in room versions 2 onwards. (#6556, #6560)


  • Fix a bug which could cause the federation server to incorrectly return errors when handling certain obscure event graphs. (#6526, #6527)

Synapse 1.7.0 released

13.12.2019 00:00 — ReleasesNeil Johnson

Hello people, it’s Synapse 1.7.0 time.

This release includes some long requested features, most notably the ability to automatically delete message data after a predefined period. For more details take a look at the config here ─ it should be pretty self explanatory.

Another significant change this release is to explicitly set room directories to be private by default. Previously it was possible to inadvertently configure the directory to be visible to arbitrary Matrix servers and the internet in general.

This means that for those admins who want their room directories to be publicly searchable ( for instance) they need to explicitly say so in the config. For more details see the upgrade notes and our blog post explaining the situation in greater detail.

We also have early support for ephemeral messages, as well as the ability to specify a reason when rejecting an invite (amongst other actions).

Aside from all of that, we want to let you know about some changes on the horizon. Currently Synapse runs Sqlite by default. This is great in that it gets new admins going quickly without needing to install and configure Postgres. The downside of using Sqlite is that it offers very poor performance, especially once a server tries to join the federation. In truth Sqlite is only really there to demonstrate the service, but for anything other than the most trivial cases it is essential to migrate to Postgres.

Over the past few months we’ve been working to improve the migration path to Postgres such that finally we feel confident to actively encourage admins to migrate. What’s more, in a future release we will forcibly prevent SQLite-backed servers federating unless the admin explicitly sets a config flag to show that they understand the trade-off they are making.

Overall we see these changes as something that will improve everyone’s experience of the matrix federation. We’ll talk more about this closer to the time, but please expect a change in the coming months and if you are running SQLite, consider this a nudge to get yourself migrated.

As ever, you can get the new update here or any of the sources mentioned at Also, check out our Synapse installation guide page.

The changelog since 1.6.1 follows:

Synapse 1.7.0 (2019-12-13)

This release changes the default settings so that only local authenticated users can query the server's room directory. See the upgrade notes for details.

Support for SQLite versions before 3.11 is now deprecated. A future release will refuse to start if used with an SQLite version before 3.11.

Administrators are reminded that SQLite should not be used for production instances. Instructions for migrating to Postgres are available here. A future release of synapse will, by default, disable federation for servers using SQLite.

No significant changes since 1.7.0rc2.

Synapse 1.7.0rc2 (2019-12-11)


  • Fix incorrect error message for invalid requests when setting user's avatar URL. (#6497)
  • Fix support for SQLite 3.7. (#6499)
  • Fix regression where sending email push would not work when using a pusher worker. (#6507, #6509)

Synapse 1.7.0rc1 (2019-12-09)


  • Implement per-room message retention policies. (#5815, #6436)
  • Add etag and count fields to key backup endpoints to help clients guess if there are new keys. (#5858)
  • Add /admin/v2/users endpoint with pagination. Contributed by Awesome Technologies Innovationslabor GmbH. (#5925)
  • Require User-Interactive Authentication for /account/3pid/add, meaning the user's password will be required to add a third-party ID to their account. (#6119)
  • Implement the /_matrix/federation/unstable/net.atleastfornow/state/<context> API as drafted in MSC2314. (#6176)
  • Configure privacy-preserving settings by default for the room directory. (#6355)
  • Add ephemeral messages support by partially implementing MSC2228. (#6409)
  • Add support for MSC 2367, which allows specifying a reason on all membership events. (#6434)


  • Transfer non-standard power levels on room upgrade. (#6237)
  • Fix error from the Pillow library when uploading RGBA images. (#6241)
  • Correctly apply the event filter to the state, events_before and events_after fields in the response to /context requests. (#6329)
  • Fix caching devices for remote users when using workers, so that we don't attempt to refetch (and potentially fail) each time a user requests devices. (#6332)
  • Prevent account data syncs getting lost across TCP replication. (#6333)
  • Fix bug: TypeError in register_user() while using LDAP auth module. (#6406)
  • Fix an intermittent exception when handling read-receipts. (#6408)
  • Fix broken guest registration when there are existing blocks of numeric user IDs. (#6420)
  • Fix startup error when http proxy is defined. (#6421)
  • Fix error when using synapse_port_db on a vanilla synapse db. (#6449)
  • Fix uploading multiple cross signing signatures for the same user. (#6451)
  • Fix bug which lead to exceptions being thrown in a loop when a cross-signed device is deleted. (#6462)
  • Fix synapse_port_db not exiting with a 0 code if something went wrong during the port process. (#6470)
  • Improve sanity-checking when receiving events over federation. (#6472)
  • Fix inaccurate per-block Prometheus metrics. (#6491)
  • Fix small performance regression for sending invites. (#6493)
  • Back out cross-signing code added in Synapse 1.5.0, which caused a performance regression. (#6494)

Improved Documentation

  • Update documentation and variables in user contributed systemd reference file. (#6369, #6490)
  • Fix link in the user directory documentation. (#6388)
  • Add build instructions to the docker readme. (#6390)
  • Switch Ubuntu package install recommendation to use python3 packages in (#6443)
  • Write some docs for the quarantine_media api. (#6458)
  • Convert CONTRIBUTING.rst to markdown (among other small fixes). (#6461)

Deprecations and Removals

  • Remove admin/v1/users_paginate endpoint. Contributed by Awesome Technologies Innovationslabor GmbH. (#5925)
  • Remove fallback for federation with old servers which lack the /federation/v1/state_ids API. (#6488)

Internal Changes

  • Add benchmarks for structured logging and improve output performance. (#6266)
  • Improve the performance of outputting structured logging. (#6322)
  • Refactor some code in the event authentication path for clarity. (#6343, #6468, #6480)
  • Clean up some unnecessary quotation marks around the codebase. (#6362)
  • Complain on startup instead of 500'ing during runtime when public_baseurl isn't set when necessary. (#6379)
  • Add a test scenario to make sure room history purges don't break /messages in the future. (#6392)
  • Clarifications for the email configuration settings. (#6423)
  • Add more tests to the blacklist when running in worker mode. (#6429)
  • Refactor data store layer to support multiple databases in the future. (#6454, #6464, #6469, #6487)
  • Port to async/await. (#6482)
  • Port to async/await. (#6483)
  • Port SyncHandler to async/await. (#6484)

This Week in Matrix 2019-12-13

13.12.2019 00:00 — This Week in MatrixBen Parsons

Matrix Live 🎙

Dept of Status of Matrix 🌡

Matthew notes:

We'd like to welcome Twitter to the world of decentralised communication protocols after Jack Dorsey's announcement this week that Twitter is building a decentralised social media team. It seems that the constraints they're working with are to focus on decentralised reputation (supporting different content filtering algorithms), incentive models (presumably some kind of token) and avoiding consensus-based standards processes. It's worth noting that we've been working on decentralised reputation stuff in Matrix for a while now - of which MSC2313 - Moderation policies as rooms is the most concrete result so far, and it's great to see Twitter thinking about how to adopted different filtering mechanisms for their content. It sounds as if they're approaching this from a blockchain/incentives angle however, so it remains to be seen whether they'll be interested in our work - especially as Matrix doesn't have a microblogging client yet (but only because nobody has made one yet). We'll be trying to talk to them whatever to see if we can be of use, eitherway :)

Dept of Spec 📜


anoa said:

Here's your weekly update for what happened in spec land!

While it may look quiet from the state changes list, there's actually been a flurry of activity on MSC2376 and MSC2385 (for disabling URL previews on a per-message basis), MSC2380 (for a method of querying the metadata of a piece of media without downloading it) and MSC2346 (for showing metadata about the bridges that are currently active in the room)! Now's the time to jump in if you want to have your say!


Merged MSCs

  • No MSCs were merged this week.

MSCs in Final Comment Period

  • No MSCs in FCP.

New MSCs

Spec Core Team:

The Spec Core Team is on the same track as last week with no specific 3 MSC focus, but working on bringing up a lot of MSCs across the board.

Dept of Servers 🏢


Neil announced:

Synapse 1.7.0 is out, check out all the details here, admins can now specify message retention policies at a server and room level. We also changed the defaults for the room directory to be privacy preserving by default.

Next up we’re taking a look at support for redacting room alias events 1, 2 as well as porting Sydent to python 3.

Deploying Synapse

Several packaging projects have been updated to deploy the new version:

Dept of Clients 📱


Alexandre Franke told us:

We gained the ability to save spellcheck language per room, which makes me quite happy as I keep switching between English speaking and French speaking ones and was growing tired of those red underlines and having to switch manually every time.

Data is stored in /user/{}/rooms/{}/account_data/org.gnome.fractal.language.

Continuum updates

yuforia said:

Continuum, Kotlin client for the desktop:

  • Updated to Kotlin Json and HTTP libraries, removed Moshi and Retrofit from dependencies

  • When there is an error when loading notifications, one can click to retry or view the cause



Nico said:

nheko mostly fixed bugs regarding the new file encryption this week and did some organizational stuff:

  • We fixed a compliance issue, where Riot couldn't decrypt our media
  • You can now actually see your encrypted images, when you sent them
  • We fixed some tests regarding our session key export
  • We fixed our coverage of our automated tests
  • We did some prepwork for device verification
  • A few minor usability fixes and code cleanups

RiotX v0.10.0

benoit told us:

RiotX v0.10.0 has been released on Tuesday, with some bug fixes and a new Breadcrumbs drawer to switch between rooms super super fast. Give it a try! Now we are implementing workflow when the access token get invalidated, with SoftLogout support. Also, we are still working on improving the initial sync management, which can be a long task on big account, and that causes some problem with the current implementation. Among various other subjects: support, room profile screen, verification in DM, cleanup dependencies to reach the F-Droid store, we are quite busy!

Riot-iOS 0.10.4

Manu reported:

This week, we released Riot-iOS 0.10.4 with a couple of hot fixes on device verification. In parallel, we have been still working on verification by DM both on UI and SDK sides. As a collateral effect, the aggregation of m.reference has been implemented in the SDK. This means the SDK is now ready for message threading !

Riot Web + Cross-Signing

Ryan said:

Cross-signing keys and secret storage can be created in Settings for advanced users with the cross-signing feature flag enabled in labs, though please keep in mind that these features are still in development. More work is still needed to change to verifying users instead of devices. More accessibility fixes have landed as well.

Matthew added:

as part of all the work around cross-signing, we're shifting device verification to happen in the context of DMs so verification is done per-user rather than per-device, and so you can track your verification history and generally massively improve the UX. valere made a great video of how this is shaping up between RiotX and Riot/Web...

Check out the video here

Dept of Ops 🛠

ma1sd 2.2.1 released

ma1uta said:

Release 2.2.0 of the ma1sd (fork mxisd) Changes:

  • support of the MSC2140 (hash lookup)
  • support of the MSC2134 (API v2)

and then...

ma1sd hotfix 2.2.1 released with a lot of bugfixes. Also the v2 API (MSC2140) was disabled by default because it breaks backward compatibility in lookup behaviour.

Dept of Bots 🤖

Matrix bot functionality in Python

Cos reported:

I have created a modular bot for writing Matrix bot functionality in Python easily. It already has bunch of modules ranging from weather to calendar integration and more will come. Even the location bot from last week's TWIM is now implemented as a module. I hope you find it useful. PR's of new modules are always welcome.

Mlrdb, LDAP sync bot, announced offered:

A Bot to sync LDAP groups to matrix rooms. Rooms will be created automatically and group member changes are reflected in the matrix rooms. The bot is currently in beta and documentation will be added in the next weeks. New features for simple integration will be added soon. Have a look at the repo:

Dept of Interesting Projects 🛰

mautrixfs - Matrix client as a FUSE filesystem

Tulir offered:

I've started a new project: mautrixfs is a Matrix client as a FUSE filesystem. It's very WIP and currently only supports reading events by ID. I'm hoping to have something more useful in a week or two.

tulir later added:

for media uploads, I just realized that my asynchronous uploads MSC would make it significantly easier to implement. It could have a file you read to allocate a mxc uri and then you could simply write the data to the file corresponding to that mxc uri

Matrix in the News 📰

Cos offered:

Finnish computer culture paper magazine Skrolli published two articles spanning 5 pages about Matrix in latest edition. For non-subscribers the digital edition readable with mobile app is free for limited time. Read more (in Finnish) at

skrolli article

Dept of Ping 🏓

RankHostnameMedian MS

That's all I know 🏁

See you next week, and be sure to stop by with your updates!

This Week in Matrix 2019-12-06

06.12.2019 19:32 — This Week in MatrixBen Parsons
Last update: 06.12.2019 19:10

Matrix Live 🎙

I chatted to Kilian from the new Nio project about his progress on a new iOS client.

Dept of Status of Matrix 🌡

Yesterday we announced the availability of zipped hoodies! The resulting avalanche of orders was a shock for our local Post Office, who watched with surprise as I burst in, laden with packages like a mule.

Dept of Spec 📜

anoa offered:

Here's your news for what happened in spec-land last week!

Merged MSCs

MSCs in Final Comment Period

No MSCs are in FCP...

New MSCs

TravisR confirmed:

The spec core team is focused on implementing a bunch of MSCs so that we can make progress with the spec.

Dept of Servers 🏢


Neil told us:

This week we've mainly been tying up loose ends on the data centre migration. Outside of that one interesting feature to land on develop is that of configurable message retention. It means that as an admin you can set a default period after which messages will be removed from the server (a year say), what’s more the default is configurable on a per room basis via state events. Note, this feature applies to messages only, not media (on its way!). Configurable message retention will be make it into the next versioned release.


anoa said:

After 2 long years, matrix-synapse-ldap3 has finally gained another release: v0.1.4. If you want to allow users to sign in to Synapse using their LDAP accounts, then this is the module for you.

Get the release notes here:

Dept of Clients 📱


Alexandre Franke offered:

4.2.2 got released! Get it now off Flathub.

New features:

  • Translation strings have been updated


  • Newlines now work when markdown is enabled
  • Account settings can be accessed again
  • Redaction is working again
  • Compatibility with HTTP-only (non HTTPS) servers has been restored
  • Some crashes fixed

Under the hood:

  • Code refactor is still going

As if all that wasn't enough, how about this image of Fractal running on a Librem5, from Adrien Plazas:

Fractal on Librem5


Nico offered:

Nheko just merged support for encrypted files in e2ee chats. This allows you to send and receive encrypted files and even play videos and other media in the new timeline. Those changes are still on the development branch, but will be included in the next release, which should be 0.7.0. If you want to try it out, you can get development builds here.


yuforia announced:

koma, the Kotlin library behind the desktop client Continuum:

  • Rewrite all Moshi json adapters with kotlinx serializers, replace API interface declared using Retrofit with HTTP requests constructed using ktor. The majority of the changes needed to enable multiplatform support is now made.

RiotX 0.9.1

benoit reported:

Released v0.9.1 on Thursday! This version includes a new login flow and account creation flow. Read marker has been reworked, to simplify user experience on mobile. Also you can type and send user pills.

We are now working on room and user profiles, and link handling. Verification in DM development is progressing well. Also we implemented a first version of breadcrumbs, to switch between recent rooms very quickly.


Manu announced:

Riot-iOS 0.10.3 is on its way to Apple review. The release note is: This release includes bug fixes and improvements, like:

  • Ask permission before opening a widget and the integration manager.
  • Display room name, user name and user avatar in the Jitsi conference screen.
  • Support Welsh and Italian languages.


Manu reported:

let me share Messagerie:, an iOS app and, maybe, in the future, a MacOS app.

Messagerie is a chat app written to test SwiftUI and Combine to make a real and, hopefully, useful app. Messagerie misses a lot of things but it has:

  • Support of Matrix using SwiftMatrixSDK
  • E2EE
  • Multi-account (swipe the navigation bar to switch accounts)
  • Dark mode and auto-sizing fonts (well, they come for free)
  • 4 screens at the moment: a Matrix login screen, a room list, a room screen and a very early beginning of a SwiftUI text composer to post text message

This is a personal and a side project, but RiotX-iOS will probably take benefit from it.

Riot Web means Cross Signing!

Ryan announced:

Riot Web is largely focused on nudging cross-signing forward over the last week. Key verification and cross-signing setup continues to make progress. We've also fixed a few bugs and merged some accessibility improvements.

Dept of Ops 🛠


Slavi reported:

matrix-docker-ansible-deploy has been made more flexible in terms of how its services can be exposed to the web. Reverse-proxying using another local (in-machine or on-the-network) webserver should be easier. SSL-termination using Traefik is now also a possibility, although we're yet to confirm it as a success and document exactly how to do it. Read more in the CHANGELOG.

riot-desktop-builder docker image

Mathijs announced:

I created a dockerfile and corresponding docker image that can build the develop branch of riot-desktop for both windows and linux.

Dept of Bots 🤖


anoa announced:

msc_resolver2 is back and now isn't annoying with all new features like:

  • actually showing you the MSC title when it links it
  • not posting the same links multiple times
  • not posting a link when you've already linked the msc in the original message
  • ignoring edits
  • ignoring content of replies

rejoice! Code is

malobot - send or receive location messages

Cos said:

It would be cool to be able to share location in Matrix rooms. This bot by cos solves the egg part in chicken and egg problem of having no clients able to send or receive location messages. Next we need a mobile client that can send location updates. Which one will be the first?

Dept of Ping 🏓

RankHostnameMedian MS

Final Thoughts 💭

swedneck made a room for discussing how matrix could be used to implement forums:

Mathijs pointed out that there is a Matrix feature which enables spoilers.

That's all I know 🏁

See you next week, and be sure to stop by with your updates!

Zipped Hoodies Now Available

05.12.2019 13:07 — MerchBen Parsons

Matrix merch is some of the most sought-after apparel and adhesive labeling available in the world today. We supply discerning customers with t-shirts, hoodies and stickers which remind them which decentralised, federated, end-to-end encrypted communications protocol is the best choice.

This is all very well, but we wondered whether it would be possible to have a warm, hooded garment which promotes the wearers preference of chat system, and also has a zip on the front.

Today, we’re proud to announce a breakthrough in this area: Matrix Zipped Hoodies are available now from!

Grab yours now from!

zipped hoodies

This Week in Matrix 2019-11-29

29.11.2019 21:11 — This Week in MatrixBen Parsons
Last update: 29.11.2019 19:43

Matrix Live 🎙

Dept of Spec 📜


anoa announced:

Here's what happened in spec land this week:

Merged MSCs:

Final Comment Period:

New MSCs:

The Spec Core Team have chosen the following three MSCs to focus on for next week: MSC 1270 (URL resolver in media), MSC 2366 (accept in verification), and MSC 1849 (aggregations/edits)

Dept of Servers 🏢

Synapse v1.6.1

Neil offered:

This week we put out Synapse 1.6.0, and 1.6.1 checkout all the juicy details in the blog post. Aside from that message retention and ephemeral message support continues and we expect the latter to merge early next week.

The next big thing we’ll be looking at is sharding out the Synapse master process so that instances running in worker mode can make full use of the CPU power available. This will make a big difference to

Deploying Synapse

Several packaging projects have been updated to deploy the new version

Additionally, from JCG:

Synapse 1.6.1 has been packaged for VoidLinux, FreeBSD and Alpine Linux, with NixOS waiting to have the PR updating it to 1.6.1 merged. Synapse 1.6.0 has been packaged for Debian Unstable and Ubuntu 20.04.

Docker for synapse-ldap

JCG announced:

The container image with the updated LDAP auth provider over at has been updated to 1.6.0 too.

Matrix over Yggdrasil

Neil Alexander:

Timothée has been working on a university project to integrate the Yggdrasil library into the CoAP proxy, which allows Matrix homeservers to federate over a pure Yggdrasil connection instead of using IP. The Yggdrasil portion gives full reachability and traffic forwarding between nodes in the mesh even in complicated topologies, and end-to-end encryption as an additional benefit

As a reminder,

Yggdrasil is a proof-of-concept mesh network that is designed to avoid the scaling issues that we've seen in the past with existing mesh systems. It uses a spanning tree-based topology and aims to make all nodes in the mesh fully routable, even at massive scale

If you'd like to know more, come chat to the folk in, and read

Department of Matrix jobs 👩‍💻

New Vector (the startup which the original Matrix team founded in order to hire folks to work on Matrix as their day job) are currently hiring people so if you ever wanted to work on Matrix full time get in touch.

Neil says:

You can read all about it here but we are particularly keen to speak to people who want to hack on Synapse or work in Operations.

We are remote friendly though find it easier to hire people in some territories than others, so if you have any questions just ask.

You can apply via the site, or alternatively reach out to (engineering) or (design).

On top of this, Neil Alexander, creator of Seaglass and maintainer of Yggdrasil, will be joining New Vector. He said:

I shall most likely be working with the backend team on Synapse/Dendrite and I think there's a couple of other things like the coap-proxy too

Dept of Bridges 🌉


Tulir said:

I made two pull requests to Sorunome's mx-puppet-bridge projects:


Half-Shot offered:

My fellow comrades, today we have released 0.14.0-rc1 of the IRC bridge. The changes are massive and vast, and frankly it probably could have been done in 2 or 3 releases. At any rate, this release contains support for PostgreSQL Datastores and Sentry monitoring, amongst other small quality of life changes. The bridge has also had a total refactor using Typescript, and it's a little bit nicer to look at now.

Dept of Clients 📱

Redesign of Ditto is out!

Annie told us:

  • Ditto is now redesigned with a fresh new look!
  • Functionality:
    • Login, send / receive messages, logout
  • On Deck:
    • Notifications, writing a new message (in that order)

Come chat about UX and things you'd like to see in Ditto!
Matrix room:


ditto client

swedneck asked if being purple in colour, the project used libpurple? The answer is no, it uses React Native, and he was widely rebuked for doing so.

nio, new client for iOS

kilian offered:

I spent the last few days building my Matrix client Nio 😄 Apple just approved a very early first alpha for TestFlight distribution. It really doesn't do a lot aside from account authentication and displaying recent chats and messages. It is able to handle e2e encryption, but unfortunately doesn't persist the encryption keys right now (meaning it loses them and re-requests them from other clients on being restarted). It's built on SwiftUI and runs on iOS (iPhone and iPad). The app will likely not run as-is on macOS in the future, but I'd love to also build a separate version of Nio for macOS once the iOS app is functional.

Website: Repo: TestFlight:

nio client

Note that this is not connected to the existing Matrix project, matrix-nio.

Continuum and koma, client and library in Kotlin

yuforia reported:

koma, Kotlin library:

  • Start replacing Retrofit with Ktor, which is JetBrain's HTTP library for building projects that can be compiled to Native, JVM, and JavaScript. Currently, coexistence of both libraries causes the package size of applications based on Koma to increase to some extent, this will no longer be the case after the transition is complete.

Continuum, desktop client based on koma, version 0.9.31:

  • Implement minimal XML parsing without adding additional dependencies to extract user ID and name from formatted_body used by Riot
  • Display mentioned users with highlight and avatar.

continuum client

Riot Web

Ryan reported:

  • Continued work on setting up cross-signing and secret storage keys in labs
  • Device verification is moving to the user info panel and happening via DMs also in labs
  • Fixes for system theme and read receipts
  • Improved signing for Windows builds
  • Converting tests towards native promises


From Manu:

We have a new bottom sheet that we are going to use a lot in the coming designs. We used it in the widget permission screen. Meanwhile we are working on user verification by DM


From Manu:

We made a release this week with all the work around privacy for the use of an Integration Manager and widgets.


From Manu:

All flows for registration and login are now supported. Please test them on your specific homeserver configuration in case we miss something. We are also working on user verification by DM.

Dept of Ops 🛠


Mathijs reported:

mvgorcum/docker-matrix:v1.6.1 is now on docker-hub

matrix-docker-ansible-deploy riot-web image

Slavi announced:

matrix-docker-ansible-deploy has switched from the bubuntux/riot-web Docker image to the official vectorim/riot-web image. There should be no visible changes for users. We're just hoping for faster releases by keeping closer to upstream.

Dept of Ping 🏓

RankHostnameMedian MS

That's all I know 🏁

See you next week, and be sure to stop by with your updates!