Next up... Kamailio World!

26.05.2015 00:00 — EventsOddvar Lovaas

kamailio-world-banner-2014-200x90In our continuous journey around the world to promote Matrix, this week we have come to Kamailio World in Berlin, Germany. During the conference, there will be 5 technical workshops and 28 presentations about SIP, VoIP, WebRTC and other real time communication technologies - and Matthew will talk about Matrix at 11am on Friday.

I'm looking forward to lots of interesting talks (full schedule here), including an open discussion panel with Randy Resnick about real-time communications at 17:10 Thursday evening. Of course there will also be dangerous demos - and hopefully lots of people interested in Matrix! If you are going to the conference, please come and say hello - we will be exhibiting as well as presenting, and we will be there all day Thursday and Friday.

Bis dann!

Matrix wins Best of Show at WebRTC World!

18.05.2015 00:00 — In the NewsMatthew Hodgson

WebRTC Best in Show

Amandine and I just got back from WebRTC World 2015 in Miami - the conference was a great success: a fantastic opportunity to meet up with many of the companies who are supporting Matrix and give everyone an update on what Matrix is up to with our Keynote: Defragmenting the Internet for fun and non-profit!.

We also had a little too much fun in the demo shoot-out - hooking up a Parrot Bebop quadrocopter into Matrix using a Matrix-enabled Janus WebRTC Gateway. The problem here is that the Parrot firmware and C SDK provides H.264 video, but doesn't package it up at all for use with WebRTC - let alone using interoperable signalling like Matrix. So this is a classic use of Matrix to expose a simple open consistent interface to a system which is otherwise is stuck with a proprietary non-web-friendly API. The code hasn't been tidied up yet, but our hacked Matrixified fork of Janus is up at if anyone has a drone and is crazy enough to want to experiment with it :)

Meanwhile, we also showed OpenWebRTC-powered VoIP on the latest develop iOS Matrix Console app talking hardware-accelerated H.264 through to Firefox on the desktop. My ancient 2010 MacBook Pro did its best to sabotage the demo (turns out that 1080P AirPlay + Firefox WebRTC is a bridge too far), but it gave a good idea of what's to come. Many thanks to the OpenWebRTC team for lots of help in getting the demo together in time!

It turns out that all the demo excitement was worth it in the end, as the jury seemed to like what Matrix is up to and was kind enough to award us more points than any of the other 13 demos... meaning that we won Best In Show!!. Huge thanks to the judges for believing in the Matrix vision, and congratulations to all the other demoists too :)

Best in Show at WebRTC World!

Meanwhile, the slides from the demo presentation can be found here: Building bridges between islands of communication, and you can see the full video of our Demo here:

...and the actual video stream that the drone transmitted before I crashed it (recorded on Janus) is at...

Finally, our grand finale was meant to be combining the two demos, and showing OpenWebRTC decoding the H.264 from the Drone in hardware on an iPhone - using Matrix of course to set up the call and control the drone. Alas a TURN-related bug got in the way of this working, but we just fixed it up in the office this morning, and I'm proud to show the first ever Parrot Bebop -> Janus -> Matrix -> OpenWebRTC video stream!! (and very exciting it is too...)

Huge thanks again to Dave for doing the Matrix integration with Janus, Stefan and Rob from OpenWebRTC for all the help on the OWR side, and Manu & Giom for porting the OpenWebRTC pull request to MatrixKit and landing it in iOS Console Develop for the demo!

Announcing Synapse 0.9.0 and Matrix Angular SDK 0.6.6!

11.05.2015 00:00 — GeneralOddvar Lovaas

We have pushed out a new release of both Synapse, our reference server implementation, and matrix-angular-sdk, our reference webclient implementation!

The major new feature in Synapse is that you can now run Synapse backed by a PostgreSQL database. This increases performance and allows Synapse to scale much better! This, as well as various performance related bug fixes, should make things much snappier than before. Of course, you can still run SQLite; it's up to you what you want to use.

In the webclient you can now change or reset your password - we have had this feature requested a few times (although honestly I'm surprised it hasn't been mentioned even more - maybe people are just better than me at remembering/managing their passwords) so this should be a welcome addition! We also fixed a memory leak in Angular, so again expect better performance!

Finally, we have done some work on improving the Application Service API, making it more reliable and secure. Please see the upgrade notes as well as the full changelog below.

Changes in Synapse v0.9.0:


  • Add support for using a PostgreSQL database instead of SQLite. See postgres.rst for details.
  • Add password change and reset APIs. See Registration in the spec.
  • Fix memory leak due to not releasing stale notifiers - SYN-339.
  • Fix race in caches that occasionally caused some presence updates to be dropped - SYN-369.
  • Check server name has not changed on restart.
  • Add a sample systemd unit file and a logger configuration in contrib/systemd. Contributed Ivan Shapovalov.


  • Add key distribution mechanisms for fetching public keys of unavailable remote home servers. See Retrieving Server Keys in the spec.


  • Add support for multiple config files.
  • Add support for dictionaries in config files.
  • Remove support for specifying config options on the command line, except for:
    • --daemonize - Daemonize the home server.
    • --manhole - Turn on the twisted telnet manhole service on the given port.
    • --database-path - The path to a sqlite database to use.
    • --verbose - The verbosity level.
    • --log-file - File to log to.
    • --log-config - Python logging config file.
    • --enable-registration - Enable registration for new users.

Application services:

  • Reliably retry sending of events from Synapse to application services, as per Application Services spec.
  • Application services can no longer register via the /register API, instead their configuration should be saved to a file and listed in the synapse app_service_config_files config option. The AS configuration file has the same format as the old /register request. See application_services.rst for more information.

Changes in Matrix Angular SDK 0.6.6:


  • Add password change and reset feature using v2_alpha APIs.

Bug fixes:

  • Fix memory leak caused by not removing a watcher on the root scope.

Matrix at WebRTC Conference & Expo, Miami

11.05.2015 00:00 — GeneralOddvar Lovaas

webrtc-logo-footer is happy to be sponsoring and talking at the WebRTC Conference and Expo in Miami, Florida, 12-14 May. Both Amandine and Matthew will be there - please come have a chat by booth #22! This is one of the longest running WebRTC Events, and Matthew is delivering one of the keynotes of the conference on Wednesday 4:00-4:30pm in room K-07.

Matthew will also participate in the "Open Source Options for WebRTC Development" session in room D2-02 at 9:50am on Wednesday (full agenda here).

Finally, Matrix will also be part of the WebRTC World Demos in room X-07 sometime between 4:30 and 7:30pm on Wednesday. Expect a dangerous demo!

Silicon Milkroundabout

11.05.2015 00:00 — GeneralOddvar Lovaas

Just a quick note to say thanks to everyone who came to talk to us at SMR9 yesterday. SMR is a great way for developers looking for jobs and startups needing engineers to have a chat.

We had a very busy day with plenty of people interested in Matrix and eager to join the team. We received a lot of CVs and will get back to you - but in the meantime please check out our code and come say hi in the Matrix HQ room, using any of these Matrix clients!


If you missed SMR, or just generally is interested in working for - please feel free to send your CV to us - we need all kinds of developers, with skills ranging from backend and frontend to mobile development!

iOS Console 0.4.0 released!

04.05.2015 00:00 — TechMatthew Hodgson

As a follow-on to the previous post, Apple approved version 0.4.0 of the iOS Matrix Console app over the weekend - grab it now from the app store!. Whilst cosmetically it looks almost identical to 0.3.x, the architecture is completely different given the app is now built using MatrixKit - and stability has improved considerably as a result. Please install and let us know how you get on!

iOS: Welcome to MatrixKit

24.04.2015 00:00 — TutorialsEmmanuel Rohee

Historically we've had two projects for iOS:

  • MatrixSDK: a low level library to interact with a Matrix homeserver
  • Console: an example Matrix client based on MatrixSDK

The primary intention of Console was to demonstrate how to use MatrixSDK to write a Matrix client app. However, this split isn't helpful for developers who want higher level modules that provides UIViewControllers ready to use in an existing app, with no need to manage low level communications with the Matrix homeserver.

It is where the MatrixKit project started. MatrixKit sits between MatrixSDK and your existing iOS app.

It provides customisable UIViewControllers a developer can integrate in their app.  If you want to add to your app a screen to chat in a room, you just need to use the MXKRoomViewController.

We made MatrixKit so that the components it provides are easy to integrate but also easy to customise. We do not have yet full samples of customisation as we've been focused on the library core, but here are a few examples:

MXKRoomViewController  JSQMessagesViewController

You probably recognise the theme of the first one, as it's what we use in the Console app today. The second one is the iOS7-style look and feel from JSQMessagesViewController. With few lines of code we connected it to MatrixKit data models. Yes, data models provided by MatrixKit are reusable too.

MatrixKit is also highly extensible. If you want to create new table cells to render messages, new views, new view controllers, etc, you will find a place to hook them into the MatrixKit code.

MatrixKit repository is here: and it is available via CocoaPods (the MatrixKit pod).

In parallel of MatrixKit, we did some spring-cleaning - the official iOS offerings are now split into three github repos. One for each deliverable:

Other releases:

Today, we released MatrixSDK 0.4.0 (changes). Update your pods :)

Console 0.4.0 (changes) is in the Apple submission process. This will be the first version of the app using MatrixKit. Aesthetically, there is no change since the previous version. The app is more stable due to all the data abstractions and management improvements provided by MatrixKit.

If you're an iOS developer, please have a go with MatrixKit and let us know on how you get on!

Monitoring Synapse Metrics with Prometheus

23.04.2015 00:00 — TutorialsMatthew Hodgson

Note: This blog post is outdated, and an up-to-date tutorial is located on the synapse project repo

Synapse has had support for exporting a comprehensive range of metrics via HTTP since 0.8.1 - we added this to help quantify the benefits of all the performance work which is going on currently in advance of Synapse 0.9. If you're interested in monitoring your own synapse and seeing what's going on using something like Prometheus, Leo just wrote a quick tutorial on getting up and running:

How to monitor Synapse metrics using Prometheus

1: Install prometheus:
Follow instructions at
2: Enable synapse metrics:
Simply setting a (local) port number will enable it. Pick a port. prometheus itself defaults to 9090, so starting just above that for locally monitored services seems reasonable. E.g. 9092:

Add to homeserver.yaml

metrics_port: 9092

Restart synapse

3: Check out synapse-prometheus-config
4: Add synapse.html and synapse.rules
The .html file needs to appear in prometheus's consoles directory, and the .rules file needs to be invoked somewhere in the main config file. A symlink to each from the git checkout into the prometheus directory might be easiest to ensure git pull keeps it updated.
5: Add a prometheus target for synapse
This is easiest if prometheus runs on the same machine as synapse, as it can then just use localhost:
global: {'{'}
  rule_file: "synapse.rules"

job: {'{'} name: "synapse"

target_group: {'{'} target: "http://localhost:9092/" {'}'} {'}'}

6: Start prometheus:
./prometheus -config.file=prometheus.conf
7: Wait a few seconds for it to start and perform the first scrape,
then visit the console:

And the end result looks something like...

Prometheus screenshot

...amongst many many other system & application metrics.

You can grab the latest version of the tutorial at - thanks to Leo for writing it up. Any questions, let us know!

Matrix at Fluent

22.04.2015 00:00 — GeneralOddvar Lovaas

This week, Matrix is visiting San Francisco for Fluent, a web development conference over three days, with events ranging from 2-day training sessions to 10-min showcase presentations.


I had the opportunity to participate in the latter: Tuesday's Solutions Showcase in the Community Lounge. The presentation was recorded, here is the video and slides.

I also had a 30-min in-depth talk earlier today, where I went through a case study of adding Matrix to your existing app (slides). After evaluating options, we decided to use the flux-chat example by Facebook - it's a basic chat application that uses their internal message dispatcher and showcases how a React/Flux app works.

The code for the original example can be found here, and the complete diff of changes necessary to integrate it with Matrix - using the matrix-js-sdk - can be found here (thanks to Matthew for yet another late-night hack!). I think it's very cool to see how easily their chat example can be turned into a Matrix client, albeit a fairly basic one! Here is an online version if you want to try it out!

flux-chat-org flux-chat-matrix
The original flux-chat and the Matrix-enabled flux-chat

If you have any questions or comments, we are still at Fluent - you can catch us in the exhibition hall in booth #208 - or virtually, as always, in!

The All New Matrix-IRC Application Service

22.04.2015 00:00 — TechKegan Dougal

This post has now been edited into a guide - you can find the source in github, and the formatted guide on the website!

Like a lot of open source projects, we use IRC a lot. Naturally, we also use Matrix to communicate with each other. For some time now we've had an IRC bot sitting on specific channels to "bridge" together IRC and Matrix. This bot simply sent IRC messages when it received Matrix messages and vice versa. As we started to rely on it more and more though, we realised that there were things that were impossible for simple client-side bots to do by themselves. This spurred the development of Application Services which I introduced in my previous post. In this blog post, I want to outline some of the features and techniques of the IRC application service which we've been working on over the past few weeks.


  • Specific channel-to-matrix room bridging : This is what the original IRC bot did. You can specify specific channels and specific room IDs, and messages will be bridged.
  • Dynamic channel-to-matrix room bridging : This allows Matrix users to join any channel on an IRC network, rather than being forced to use one of the specific channels configured.
  • Two-way PM support : IRC users can PM the virtual "M-" users and private Matrix rooms will be created. Likewise, Matrix users can invite the virtual "@irc_Nick:domain" user IDs to a room and a PM to the IRC nick will be made.
  • IRC nick changing support : Matrix users are no longer forced to use "M-" nicks and can change them by sending "!nick" messages directly to the bridge.
  • Ident support : This allows usernames to be authenticated for virtual IRC clients, which means IRC bans can be targeted at the Matrix user rather than the entire application service.
The use of the Application Services API means:
  • The bot can reserve user IDs. This prevents humans from registering for @irc_... user IDs which would then clash with the operation of the bot.
  • The bot can reserve room aliases. This prevents humans from register for #irc_... aliases which would then clash with the operation of the bot.
  • The bot can trivially manage hundreds of users. Events are pushed to the application service directly. If you tried to do this as a client-side bot, you would need one event stream connection per virtual user.
  • The bot can lazily create rooms on demand. This means Matrix users can join non-existent room aliases and have the application service quickly track an IRC channel and create a room with that alias, allowing the join request to succeed.
Implementation details:
  • Written in Node.js, designed to be run using forever.
  • Built on the generic matrix-appservice-node framework.
  • Supports sending metrics in statsd format.
  • Uses matrix-appservice-node to provide a standardised interface when writing application services, rather than an explicit web framework (though under the hood matrix-appservice-node is using Express).
At present, the IRC application service is in beta, and is being run on #matrix and #matrix-dev. If you want to give it a go, check it out on Github - it is not currently released on npm. N.B. it requires features from the develop branch of synapse; either run your own synapse off the develop branch or wait a few days for us to release Synapse 0.9.0.

Needless to say, we look forward to this being the first of many full network<->network bridges into Matrix - come chat on if you'd like to write or run your own! Next up is Lync and XMPP...