Matrix v1.10 release

22.03.2024 16:52 — Releases, SpecTravis Ralston

Hey all,

Matrix 1.10 is here! We aim to release the specification once in each calendar quarter, and with Q1 wrapping up in a few days we’re due for this quarter’s release. It has been 5 months since the last release (Matrix 1.9) brought in some protocol maintenance for us though, and the implementation teams have been hard at work building the Matrix 2.0 stack concurrent to the Matrix 1.10 work released today.

A total of 9 MSCs are released in Matrix 1.10, covering a wide range of maintenance, Matrix 2.0 preparation, and features for clients to use. This post focuses a bit on the Matrix 2.0 front and what’s expected in Matrix 1.11’s release cycle, but read on to the changelog at the bottom for full details on the changes which make up Matrix 1.10.

🔗MSC3077: Multi-stream VoIP

MSC3077 and its related proposal MSC3291 (muting in VoIP calls) lay some foundational groundwork for proper group VoIP to land in Matrix - an objective of Matrix 2.0. Currently this is taking shape at MSC3898 and MSC3401, though Element’s VoIP team is considering a possible third alternative which runs MSC3401 over something like LiveKit’s SFU - stay tuned for updates there. In the meantime, users in native 1:1 calls can enjoy proper screen sharing and mute capabilities ahead of the 1:N call support later this year.

As always, early review is appreciated though please note that MSC3898 and MSC3401 are particularly in flux at the moment.

🔗Up next in Matrix 1.11 and beyond

Over the next 2-3 months, we’ll be focusing on the following MSCs:

  • Trust & Safety improvements (at the protocol level).
    • MSC3823 - Account suspension
    • MSC3939 - Account locking
    • MSC3916 - Authentication for media (time permitting)
    • MSC4117 - Reversible redactions (pre-implementation review)
    • MSCs around a “reporting v2” flow in light of various legislation and compliance requirements. These MSCs are currently being written and should be up for pre-implementation review within the Matrix 1.11 cycle.
  • Early review of Matrix 2.0 features as they become ready.
    • Sliding sync (MSC3575) + applicable extensions.
    • Group VoIP - Exact MSCs to be determined, as they may change following implementation.
    • OIDC Authentication - Exact MSCs to be determined.
  • Pre-implementation review of Extensible Events core content blocks MSCs.
    • Many of these MSCs require updates before they are ready for formal review.
    • MSC3954 - Emotes
    • MSC3955 - Notices / automated events
    • MSC3927 - Audio
    • MSC3551 - Files
    • MSC3552 - Images and Stickers
    • MSC3553 - Videos

Additionally, we’ll be continuing to define the expectations of a Spec Core Team member, particularly as it relates to the upcoming Governing Board for the Foundation. This exercise has been extremely valuable to us so far, and will help identify areas the Foundation and SCT may need support from each other.

🔗The full changelog

Read on for full details of what’s in Matrix 1.10:

🔗Client-Server API

Backwards Compatible Changes

  • Allow /versions to optionally accept authentication, as per MSC4026. (#1728)
  • Add local erasure requests, as per MSC4025. (#1730)
  • Use the body field as optional media caption, as per MSC2530. (#1731)
  • Add server support discovery endpoint, as per MSC1929. (#1733)
  • Add support for multi-stream VoIP, as per MSC3077. (#1735)
  • Specify that the Retry-After header may be used to rate-limit a client, as per MSC4041. (#1737)
  • Add support for recursion on the GET /relations endpoints, as per MSC3981. (#1746)

Spec Clarifications

  • The strike element is deprecated in the HTML spec. Clients should prefer s instead. (#1629)
  • Clarify that read receipts should be batched by thread as well as by room. (#1685)
  • Clarify that threads can be created based on replies. (#1687)
  • Clarify in the reply fallbacks example that the prefix sequence should be repeated for each line. (#1690)
  • Clarify the format of account data objects for secret storage. (#1695, #1734)
  • Clarify that the key backup MAC is implemented incorrectly and does not pass the ciphertext through HMAC-SHA-256. (#1712)
  • Clarify one-time key and fallback key types in examples. (#1715)
  • Clarify that the HKDF calculation for SAS uses base64-encoded keys rather than the raw key bytes. (#1719)
  • Clarify how to perform the ECDH exchange in step 12 of the SAS process. (#1720)
  • Document the deprecation policy of HTML tags, as per MSC4077. (#1732)
  • The font element is deprecated in the HTML spec. Clients should prefer span with the data-mx-bg-color and data-mx-color attributes instead. (#1739)
  • Disambiguate uses of PublicRoomsChunk in the GET /hierarchy endpoint. (#1740)
  • Clarify that sdpMid and sdpMLineIndex are not required in (#1742)
  • Fix various typos throughout the specification. (#1748)
  • Clearly indicate that each Content-Type may have distinct behaviour on non-JSON requests/responses. (#1756)
  • Clarify that the m.push_rules account data type cannot be set using the /account_data API, as per MSC4010. (#1763)

🔗Server-Server API

Spec Clarifications

  • Clarify Server-Server API request signing example by using the POST HTTP method, as GET requests don't have request bodies. (#1721)
  • Disambiguate uses of PublicRoomsChunk in the GET /hierarchy endpoint. (#1740)
  • Clarify that the children_state, room_type and allowed_room_ids properties in the items of the children array of the response of the GET /hierarchy endpoint are not required. (#1741)

🔗Application Service API

Spec Clarifications

  • Clarify that the /login and /register endpoints should fail when using the m.login.application_service login type without a valid as_token. (#1744)

🔗Identity Service API

No significant changes.

🔗Push Gateway API

No significant changes.

🔗Room Versions

Spec Clarifications

  • For room versions 7 through 11: Clarify that invite->knock is not a legal transition. (#1717)


No significant changes.

🔗Internal Changes/Tooling

Spec Clarifications

  • Update the spec release process. (#1680)
  • Minor clarifications to the contributing guide. (#1697)
  • Update Docsy to v0.8.0. (#1699, #1762)
  • Fix npm release script for @matrix-org/spec. (#1713)
  • Add some clarifications around implementation requirements for MSCs. (#1718)
  • Update HTML templates to include links to object schema definitions. (#1724)
  • Factor out all the common parameters of the various /relations apis. (#1745)
  • Add support for $ref URIs containing fragments in OpenAPI definitions and JSON schemas. (#1751, #1754)

This Week in Matrix 2024-03-15

15.03.2024 19:30 — This Week in MatrixThib

🔗Matrix Live

🔗Dept of Status of Matrix 🌡️

Josh Simmons reports

The wait is over! We are now accepting applications from projects and organizations that want to join the Foundation as Ecosystem and Associate Members.

You may recall that in December we announced two new membership tiers to ensure we have healthy community representation as we introduce more open governance for Matrix. Specifically, we created Ecosystem and Associate Member tiers. Ecosystem Members are open source projects that speak Matrix, and Associate Members are FOSS foundations, nonprofits, and academic institutions.

We’re excited to bring more folks into the fold, and thrilled to welcome Thunderbird, Draupnir, and Conduit as our first Ecosystem Members 🎉 Curious who else has joined as a member recently? Check out our Supporters.

We’d also like to recognize Thunderbird for sponsoring the Foundation, which helps us get a little bit closer to making the Foundation’s activities sustainable 🚀

Thib announces

There is a question we often get asked: why do you operate the homeserver, and why do you keep registrations open? We don't want to become the of Matrix after all. We covered those in this post.

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Why the Homeserver Exists?

14.03.2024 15:30 — FoundationThib

Matrix self-defines as the go-to protocol for "open, secure, decentralised communications". The Foundation defines "maximising […] the number of online servers in the open federation" as a key objective in its mission. So why is the homeserver, probably the largest homeserver in the whole federation, still in open registration mode?

Let's dive into the technical, and user experience choices behind it.

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This Week in Matrix 2024-03-08

08.03.2024 00:00 — This Week in MatrixHubert Chathi

🔗Matrix Live

🔗Dept of Status of Matrix 🌡️

🔗Digital Markets Act (EU)

Matthew reports

Happy DMA day everyone - here's our analysis of where messaging interoperability is at today, and where it might go in future:

🔗Online Harms Act (Canada)

Matthew announces

more good crypto news this week from Canada: the Online Harms Act looks to be explicitly protecting end-to-end encryption and private communications - in contrast to the UK Online Safety Bill/Act. Looks like all attempts to educate around the UK OSB might have not been entirely in vain. You can see it direct from Justice Minister Arif Virani here:

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This Week in Matrix 2024-03-01

01.03.2024 19:30 — This Week in MatrixThib

🔗Matrix Live

🔗Dept of Status of Matrix 🌡️

Josh Simmons announces

This week Thib published the second installment in our roadmap blog post series: Opening up the Foundation. This post dives into the work we’re doing this year to increase community participation and open governance, looking even beyond the Governing Board to things like office hours, working groups, and fiscal sponsorship.

If you missed the first post in the series, check it out: A roadmap and appeal for help from The Foundation.

We’re grateful for the level of support we’ve received as we share more about the Foundation’s financial needs and the work we are doing in service of the ecosystem. Many dozens of individuals have donated and joined as Individual Members, and we’ve more than doubled the number of organizational members! Huge thanks to Beeper, Fairkom, Famedly, Fractal Networks, Gematik, IndieHosters, and XWiki.

We still have a long way to go, and critically we need larger organizations to step up to the plate, but the early results are encouraging. Onwards and upwards! 🚀

Matthew reports

There's a huge number of Matrix projects active in the German public sector, and the team at Element has had a go at mapping them out and providing a guide to what's going on, how they relate to each other, and to generally try to explain why Germany is the leading country for digital sovereignty - including self-sovereign secure communication with Matrix:

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Opening up the Foundation

29.02.2024 19:00 — FoundationThib

Since the Foundation got itself a Managing Director at the end of last summer, it has been working on its independence. With lines more clearly defined between its major supporter Element and itself, the Foundation has been able to clarify its role. The Foundation's major goal, alongside stewarding the specification, is to fill in the gaps where there is no direct organisational interest, to make the Matrix ecosystem grow.

There are two levels where the Foundation can have an impact: at the governance level, in the form of the Governing Board; and at the hands-on level, with working groups and projects.

See below what the coming year holds for us.

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Launching the Website Office Hours

20.02.2024 16:00 — FoundationThib
Last update: 25.04.2024 16:00

The website is the public face of the Foundation, and the first thing you stumble upon when looking up “matrix chat” on a search engine. It’s a very important step in people’s Matrix journey.

A lot of thought has been put into making a website that talks to the various audiences visiting it, but we still have a lot of room for improvement!

The website is only maintained by community member MTRNord in a volunteer way, and part-time by me, Thib. We could use an extra pair of hands or two, but to make the most of people’s desire to help we need to let them know where they can have the most impact depending on their skill set, and how we can accept their help!

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This Week in Matrix 2024-02-16

16.02.2024 00:00 — This Week in MatrixMTRNord

🔗Dept of communities

🔗Ubuntu Matrix homeserver just went live 🎉

Nils announces

Even if we are formally still in testing phase until the end of the Ubuntu 24.04 cycle, the Ubuntu Matrix homeserver reached a state in which we can consider it live.

Although Ubuntu used to be IRC-only, we are now adopting Matrix to cater to a wider, diverse audience, including less technical users and younger generations. Matrix allows us to do so while staying true to the values that brought us Ubuntu, Linux and FOSS. When selecting the tools we use, we are always focused on open-source, privacy and freedom respecting software. We believe that Matrix offers all the modern features we need without compromising our values. Moreover, Matrix will make it easier for us to interact with neighboring communities such as Fedora and KDE.

There is still a lot of work to do, but we want to take a moment to thank the Ubuntu and Matrix communities for their great effort and dedication to this project.

You can read more about it on this Discourse thread and of course, you can now join our Ubuntu community from any Matrix federated server. A good start is the Ubuntu Community Space

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This Week in Matrix 2024-02-09

09.02.2024 00:00 — This Week in MatrixThib

🔗Matrix Live

🔗Dept of Status of Matrix 🌡️

Matthew says

Very happy to announce that the Spec Core Team has been reviewing how to make more progress on MSCs and get more organisational diversity into the SCT, and we've decided to expand the team - unanimously voting to add both tulir and clokep to the team effective today. Huge thanks to both tulir and clokep for being up for joining and donating their time... and looking forwards to their contributions in helping get MSCs to and through their Final Comment Period and merged into the spec!

Josh Simmons says

We’re excited to be forging stronger ties with other open source foundations, so that we can work together and lean on one another’s areas of expertise. Last week we announced that the Foundation joined OpenForum Europe as a supporter alongside Mozilla and many others.

Adding to that, we’re pleased to share that we have become an affiliate of the Open Source Initiative and joined their Open Policy Alliance, and we’ve also joined the Eclipse Foundation as an associate member.

We look forward to going further, faster, together! 🚀

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