
1 posts tagged with "Conference" (See all Category)

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Announcing The Matrix Conference

12.06.2024 13:15 — Conference Thib
Last update: 18.06.2024 15:00

The Foundation is happy to launch the first Matrix Conference, this September 19th to 22nd in Berlin, Germany, at Mitosis Labs! Click on the picture bellow to learn more!

An picture with an abstract background made of lines, and the matrix conference logo that looks like the regular matrix logo.

Building on the success of the Matrix Community Summit, the Foundation is joining forces with the Summit team to open the conference to wider audiences. This is the event that policy makers, public and private sector leaders, open source enthusiasts, and technologists attend to share knowledge and learn what’s next in the decentralised and secure communications sector.

This is THE gathering place for hackers, project managers, digital sovereignty leaders and innovators. With several tracks covering everything from sovereignty & collaboration in the public sector to digital rights and advocacy, all profiles will find content for their interest. Outside of the tracks there will be plenty of time and space to get to know others from the ecosystem and exchange ideas.

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