This Week in Matrix 2023-08-04
04.08.2023 18:19 β This Week in Matrix β MTRNordπMatrix Live
πDept of Spec π
Andrew Morgan (anoa) says
Here's your weekly spec update! The heart of Matrix is the specification - and this is modified by Matrix Spec Change (MSC) proposals. Learn more about how the process works at
πMSC Status
New MSCs:
- There were no new MSCs this week.
MSCs in Final Comment Period:
- No MSCs are in FCP.
Accepted MSCs:
- No MSCs were accepted this week.
Closed MSCs:
- No MSCs were closed/rejected this week.
πSpec Updates
No movement through the process on the surface for any MSCs according to the above chart, but some things have been happening! Other than the usual background hum of IETF work, conversations across many MSCs have been moving along. We also saw MSC3930 (Polls push notifications) have FCP proposed! The latter would stop a notification from being generated every time someone voted in a poll, which is sorely needed.
A reminder that in keeping with the spec's quarterly release schedule, Matrix v1.8 is due to release this month and Matrix v1.9 is due for November. We want to plan well ahead for the v1.9 release though, so if you would like to see anything in particular land in v1.9, please raise that concern in the Office of the Spec Core Team room!
See this message in the same room for more information including the currently planned v1.9 spec changes.
πRandom MSC of the Week
The random MSC of the week is... Refine and clarify how presence works!
This is a very old "MSC" (still on google docs), but it's come up and I've seen folks taking a look at revamping presence recently, so I figured it may be interesting to share.
The document lists a number of confusing behaviours that come with the current presence spec (at the time, though it hasn't moved much since then). There is also a bullet-point list of what a redesigned presence could look like.
Given the conversation on the GitHub issue, this document appears lost to time. But perhaps someone will find it useful today.