With more than 60 very high quality proposals, it's been difficult to select talks that would make it to the conference.
We are thrilled to announce the schedule of the conference, and we're looking forward to listen to that fantastic line up tell us about the future of Matrix, Matrix in the public sector, Matrix in the wild, or the social impact of Matrix!
If you're an organisation and want to get some visibility in the Matrix ecosystem, we have a few sponsorship packages left at https://2024.matrix.org/sponsor/.
Don't forget to book your ticket to attend. Head to https://2024.matrix.org/register/ and tell us whether you want merch or not in addition to your ticket!
Here's your weekly spec update! The heart of Matrix is the specification - and this is modified by Matrix Spec Change (MSC) proposals. Learn more about how the process works at https://spec.matrix.org/proposals
There is one outstanding concern on this MSC for improved clarity, however the author appears to have already addressed this point. Looks like it's only a matter of time before FCP beigns on this one.
Requires 1 more tick from the SCT (Started the week needing 6)
Once again, thank you to everyone who is writing PRs against matrix-spec, especially Johennes and Kladki who combined have had lots of PRs (and MSCs!) created and merged recently. Cheers!
Here's your weekly spec update! The heart of Matrix is the specification - and this is modified by Matrix Spec Change (MSC) proposals. Learn more about how the process works at https://spec.matrix.org/proposals.
Since this MSC was written, it has been shown that having (unstable) prefixes in the unsigned field of events is useful. Hence the general consensus from the SCT has been to close this MSC as it stands.
Needs 1 checkmark from the SCT (started the week needing 2).
The enthusiasm around The Matrix Conference is simply mind-boggling! In less than 2 weeks, the project leads of state-sponsored deployments, key digital rights activists and the Matrix community at large sent us more than 60 high-quality proposals π€―
We're really excited to help the key players in the ecosystem meet in Berlin, and I can't wait to see the fantastic talks people are working on. While the team works on producing a proper schedule for it, organisations that want to increase their brand awareness in the Matrix Ecosystem can still sponsor the conference. Let your marketing department know, pass them our sponsorship brochure!
πMatrix Live S09E32 - QR Code Login & Translations
This week at Element, Benoit walks us through how he checks that the translations are consistent in Element, and Hugh tells us everything about the awesome QR Code Login in Matrix Auth Service!
This week we released Synapse v1.110.0rc2, which contains experimental support for account suspension, report room API, more native Sliding Sync functionality and more.
Check out the release notes for more details! Also, if you can, please test v1.110.rc2 in non-critical environments.
(Note: I've linked to rc1 release notes, since all the changes are in rc1, which unfortunately was only partially released due to a packaging issue. rc2 fixes this.)
Make some room in your schedule today, in the weekend or early next week to send your best proposals. We're interested in various types of talks: why your Matrix project is exciting, the (technical or non-technical) problems it solves, how Matrix fits in your organisation or community, exciting topics you want to tackle but need to find partners for, and more.
Whether you want to submit a short or long talk, or a workshop idea, head to http://2024.matrix.org to get all the conference details, or https://cfp.matrix.org to submit a proposal!
The Matrix.org Foundation and the Matrix Community Summit team are pleased to announce The Matrix Conference!
It is meant to be the place where the ecosystem at large meets. From individual hackers to organisations working with Matrix, from the Governing Board to public sector representatives we expect the whole community to gather for an exciting event that shapes the future of Matrix!
A particular thank you to HarHarLinks, Yan and Nadine as well as Plain Schwarz who all contributed to the organisation.
we're starting a policy and regulation blog series over on the Foundation's blog. Over the next few months I'll be covering various pieces of legislation that are already in place, as well as incoming regulation, and what it all means for Matrix.
Here's your weekly spec update! The heart of Matrix is the specification - and this is modified by Matrix Spec Change (MSC) proposals. Learn more about how the process works at https://spec.matrix.org/proposals.
This last week's focus was primarily spent on ensuring MSCs are moving towards Final Comment Period (FCP; the step before an MSC is accepted) at a healthy pace. Below are the MSCs which were on Tuesday's pings, and their current status:
Needs checkmarks from 3 more SCT members to enter FCP (started the week needing 3).
Currently blocked on ensuring that this addition to spec doesn't make notifications more complicated.
Client and server developers are encouraged to review these MSCs in particular because they're on a path to being included in the next spec version. This doesn't have to mean implementing them, but if there's something which doesn't sound quite right in the proposal text then leave a comment on the diff to raise a concern. The SCT will take these comments into consideration as the MSC enters FCP - the 5 day countdown to ensure any last comments are considered before the proposal is accepted into the spec as stable.
Next week's focus will largely be the same as usual: we'll focus on unblocking Matrix 2.0 MSCs/features as a priority, and MSCs which require more checkboxes to enter FCP will be raised for prompt review. We're always on the lookout for MSCs ready for FCP, but can sometimes miss something - let us know in #sct-office:matrix.org if it looks like something is ready to go but hasn't caught our eye yet.
Voting continues in the Governing Board elections, and we're close to having 100% turnout in every constituency except Individual Members! Check your email inbox for an email from [email protected] and please cast matrix-orgyour ballot today.
Do you have a community that's centered around Matrix? Or an organization that is aligned with our mission? Perhaps you're part of a company that profits from the use of Matrix. Whichever describes you, become a member today. Your involvement helps us ensure we get representative feedback and the financial support we need to continue stewarding the specification.