Announcing the Foundation Membership program!

20.06.2023 13:00 β€” Foundation β€” Amandine Le Pape

We shared back in December how we wanted to find a way for people and organisations to support Matrix in a more impactful manner. We wanted it to also enable the Foundation to be more autonomous and more powerful in growing the ecosystem. Well the day has come: the Foundation is now able to formally accept members!

So what is a member of the Foundation? It's an organisation or individual who financially supports the Foundation by paying a yearly membership fee, and in return gets some influence in driving the direction of Matrix and the Foundation's activities.

The key has been to create a balanced governance model, to make sure the Foundation stays aligned with the Matrix manifesto. For this we've created a Governing Board to set the direction of the Foundation whilst the membership fees will fuel our efforts to get us there.

So why become a member?

πŸ”—A common, durable platform

Matrix is an open protocol everyone can contribute to. However we believe that to remain healthy, a protocol is better off having a single spec that needs to be curated. The additions need to be debated, implemented in actual software, and the rest of the specification needs to be adapted to the new changes. Such curation and edition work take time and effort, but the benefits of it are enormous.

A curated protocol benefits individuals, digital rights activists, and philanthropic investors who believe in the fundamental right to control and privacy in online communication. As an open standard for real time communications, Matrix brings the sovereignty, security and interoperability, which are key to having full control over one's own communication. By financially supporting the project, people who are aligned with our beliefs allow us to keep fighting for our collective rights, be it by providing secure software or persuading regulators to protect their citizens (such as our DMA promotion work or our fight against the Online Safety Bill).

A curated protocol benefits profit-making companies building communication products and services. Decentralisation is a hard problem. End-to-end encryption is a hard problem. Decentralised end-to-end encrypted communications are a very hard problem. Matrix is doing the heavy lifting in these areas so companies can focus on building what they do best: creating great user experiences on top of it. By financially supporting the project, organisations building on Matrix rest assured it keeps evolving, being patched and staying secure. In short it ensures Matrix remains a competitive advantage over other products, at a fraction of what it would cost to maintain an in-house solution.

A curated protocol benefits entire governments, and large parts of the public sector, who have both adopted it widely. Public organisations can not only benefit from a sovereign, secure and interoperable solution - they can also ensure public money is spent for public good, not shareholder wealth. By joining the Matrix Foundation, public sector entities contribute to the stability, security and performance of Matrix. Investing into the project ensures that the open standard that is supporting their healthcare, defence and public administration continues to benefit from innovative open source software development.

πŸ”—Stay unbiased & vendor neutral

The Matrix manifesto hasn't changed. We still believe people should have full control over their own communication, not be locked in silos, be able to converse securely and privately, and that communication should be available to everyone as a free and open, unencumbered, standard and global network.

The Foundation maintains the Spec, which formalises the behaviour expected from the various software components of the Matrix ecosystem. We believe it's important for both individuals using the protocol - and organisations building products on top of it - to be part of the decision process when it comes to shaping the evolution and features of Matrix. So we have designed membership tiers catering for all budgets, and mapped the Governing Board representatives evenly across the tiers.

The Spec Core Team appointed by the Foundation's Guardians is particularly vigilant against features which only benefit particular players, or are designed to somehow cripple or fragment the open protocol and ecosystem in favour of competitive advantage. As such it is a guardian of the neutrality of the protocol, making sure it will serve the general public's interests and be a solid base to build robust products on for commercial organisations.

πŸ”—Delivering from the get go

The Foundation wants to take a more active stance in supporting the protocol. The Foundation needs to respond appropriately to the Governing Board's recommendations. We are hiring a Managing Director who will be in charge of identifying and building programmes the Foundation can deliver, obtaining funding for it, building a team and overseeing the delivery with the approval and support of the Governing Board.

Such programmes could include an accreditation process, to give more visibility and credibility to the organisations adopting Matrix seriously, organising more Matrix events, to promote the standard and share experiences amongst the community etc. Their mission will overall be to make the ecosystem thrive and grow.

A Managing Director working full time will also allow us to increase the Foundation's transparency by allowing it to report more often on such programmes, independently from any vendor.

πŸ”—Going where we're expected to

The Governing Board is the new compass of the Foundation: it refines the vision of the Foundation and steers the Managing Director and Spec Core Team in the right direction.

This gives the Governing Board a lot of power over the Foundation and Matrix, so we've put in place several safeguards to ensure the Foundation remains healthy.

For example, the Guardians remain the ultimate authority, should the Governing Board take decisions against the interest of Matrix, and the Governing Board cannot appoint or remove members of the Spec Core Team.

To ensure that the Governing Board is representative from every stakeholder in the ecosystem, we've included both representatives from every membership levels, including individuals, but also representatives of those who are rooted in its day to day operations (i.e. the MD and the Spec Core Team), and of the Guardians.

Since the Governing Board sets the direction for the Foundation, continuity is important. Therefore, members of the Governing Board are serving for two years, with yearly elections renewing only half of the board at once. This makes room for fresh ideas without losing context of the previous decisions.

Finally, this membership scheme is also meant to formalise and better distribute the relations of power in the Matrix ecosystem, to make it more independent of specific vendors. We believe this is a major next step to make Matrix thrive, and welcome everyone to join us in our mission. You can also check our Prospective Members presentation here for more details.

In short, become a member today!

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This Week in Matrix 2023-06-16

16.06.2023 00:00 β€” This Week in Matrix β€” Thib

πŸ”—Matrix Live

πŸ”—Dept of Spec πŸ“œ

Andrew Morgan (anoa) [GMT-6] reports

Here's your weekly spec update! The heart of Matrix is the specification - and this is modified by Matrix Spec Change (MSC) proposals. Learn more about how the process works at

πŸ”—MSC Status

New MSCs:

MSCs in Final Comment Period:

Accepted MSCs:

Closed MSCs:

  • No MSCs were closed/rejected this week.

πŸ”—Spec Updates

This actually happened last week, but a huge shoutout to KΓ©vin Commaille, aka @zecakeh, for their work on upgrading the OpenAPI schema data for the Matrix Spec to version 3.1. This schema describes all of the requests and responses for all endpoints in the spec, as well as various event types and other bits and pieces. It directly powers the Matrix spec website, the Matrix API Playground and several Client and Homeserver SDKs that generate code from it.

With a diff of +14,997 βˆ’12,660, this was a multi-month effort of both implementation and review (thank you @richvdh and @KitsuneRal!). This change will allow us to use all the new features that OpenAPI 3 has to offer, as well as generally keeps us up to date with modern tooling.

Thank you!

πŸ”—Random MSC of the Week

The random MSC of the week is... MSC3051: A scalable relation format!

This MSC describes a different way of describing how an event relates to other events. In the current Matrix spec, you can use the m.relates_to property to indicate that this event (say, a reaction) relates to another event (say, a message) in a certain manner. You can specify how it relates using the m.relates_to->rel_type key; a value of "m.annotation" for reactions.

But sometimes you may want to relate to multiple other events. For instance, what if that message you're reacting to is also in a thread? In fact, this MSC has come up recently as one possible way to solve the problem of efficiently discerning whether an event should belong in a thread or not (discussion). This MSC isn't the only option for solving such a problem - MSC4023 would also work, and both have tradeoffs.

MSC3051 could also allows for actions such as editing replies; both the text and the message it was a reply to. Neat!

Do read the MSC and give feedback if relations is something that excites you.

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A brand new website

15.06.2023 15:21 β€” General β€” Thib
Last update: 15.06.2023 14:16

Hello federation,

TLDR: New website is coming tomorrow, your RSS reader might be disoriented during the switch.

That's right, after several months of studying, designing and implementing: we're finally going to deploy the new website on June 16! Let's have a look back at the why and how.

I also need to thank Jonas Platte not only for his technical expertise but also for his kind support and patience. Thanks to MTRNord as well for kickstarting the project, and to the various designers involved.

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This Week in Matrix 2023-06-09

09.06.2023 20:51 β€” This Week in Matrix β€” Thib
Last update: 09.06.2023 20:48

πŸ”—Matrix Live

We didn't have time for a Matrix Live this week, but don't miss next week's episode!

πŸ”—Dept of Spec πŸ“œ

TravisR says

Here's your weekly spec update! The heart of Matrix is the specification - and this is modified by Matrix Spec Change (MSC) proposals. Learn more about how the process works at

πŸ”—MSC Status

New MSCs:

MSCs in Final Comment Period:

Accepted MSCs:

  • No MSCs were accepted this week.

Closed MSCs:

  • No MSCs were closed/rejected this week.

πŸ”—Spec Updates

On the Spec Core Team (SCT), we've started converting the list of MSCs we received into a roadmap for the next 8-ish weeks. This is all to prepare for Matrix 1.8, and we're already starting to think a bit about what Matrix 1.9 looks like too. You can see what the team plans to look at here - each column is ordered in relative priority, where the top is more likely to receive attention first. Not everything is actionable at the moment, but that's the point πŸ˜„ As we work through the next month or so, the remaining MSCs should be unblocked or near-unblocked enough to allow the SCT to make progress on them.

Most of the MSCs on the roadmap have a target state of acceptance (and merge, if we can make that happen), though some do have a simple task of reviewing the MSC ahead of implementation effort. We're aiming to test this process over the next few releases, where the SCT unblocks progress by providing review ahead of review actually being needed, but to do that we need to know what people plan to work on. If you have something which could do with review (not just acceptance) in the August-November window of time, let us know in the SCT Office.

As always, if you have questions about a particular MSC's state or what this process actually means, let us know in the SCT Office.

Meanwhile, the SCT is continuing its IETF/MIMI adventures by pushing Linearized Matrix towards working group adoption. The current stages involve updating the Internet-Draft (I-D, or MSC in IETF terms) to cover the MIMI-specific bits of the room model and working on multiple implementations of the proposal. We'll be updating the MSC at a later stage to account for the DAG interop components, though how to get a DAG to work with the linear, append-only, MIMI variant is very much top of mind. You can see the current rapidly-changing I-D here.

As mentioned, to further adoption of Linearized Matrix within MIMI we're looking for independent implementations. "Independent" here means not written by the Matrix Core Team and not written by Element given the potential for conflict of interest, though the Matrix team is working on proving the I-D through eigen-server and possibly a dual-stack Synapse (watch this space). We have a line on ~2 completely independent (but undisclosed πŸ˜‡) Linearized Matrix implementations already, but more is often better for these things: if you work for a messaging service provider and are interested in writing an implementation, get in touch with us so we can coordinate some interop testing. You don't already have to be using Matrix to write an implementation, and in fact it's probably better if you aren't already using Matrix, awkwardly.

πŸ”—Random MSC of the week

The script of fate has decided to put forward MSC3060: Room Labels this week. This is a relatively small MSC, but one which provides a ton of value to discovering rooms. The labels/topics your room covers are listed in a state event and can inform users of what to expect beyond the room name/avatar. For example, if your room has primarily NSFW/18+ content, you can disclose that in the labels.

Leave your thoughts and concerns on the MSC via threads on the diff πŸ™‚

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Introducing Third Room TP2: The Creator Update

07.06.2023 15:15 β€” General β€” Matthew Hodgson

Hi all,

Back in September 2022 we launched the very first public technology preview of Third Room - our entirely open source, open standards-based platform for creating decentralised multiparty spatial apps and virtual worlds on top of Matrix.

The mission of Third Room is to ensure that a truly open and equitable platform exists for powering shared 3D environments - providing an alternative to the closed walled gardens of the bigger vendors, and generally safeguard against a repeat of the fragmented dystopia that has plagued instant messaging and VoIP systems. In short, just as Matrix aims to be the missing secure communication layer of the open Web, Third Room aims to be the spatial collaboration layer.

Today, we’re incredibly excited to announce Third Room Technology Preview 2: The Creator Update. As more and more 3D hardware enters the market, the race is on to provide tools to developers and creators so they can build on an open, vendor-agnostic platform - and in this update we’ve focused on building out the scripting, editing and authoring capabilities of Third Room to provide a solid platform for building and running collaborative 3D apps of any kind. Check out the new release at

As a reminder: the Third Room team is a tiny band formed by Robert, Nate and Ajay and operates outside of all the rest of our work on Matrix: the other 97% of our effort goes into making the core of Matrix amazing (particularly the underpinnings for Element X and the next generation of Matrix clients). However, Matrix is about more than just chat and VoIP, and Third Room provides an excellent showcase of Matrix’s abilities as a general purpose communication fabric.

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This Week in Matrix 2023-06-02

02.06.2023 20:20 β€” This Week in Matrix β€” Thib

πŸ”—Matrix Live

πŸ”—Dept of Spec πŸ“œ

Andrew Morgan (anoa) reports

Here's your weekly spec update! The heart of Matrix is the specification - and this is modified by Matrix Spec Change (MSC) proposals. Learn more about how the process works at

πŸ”—MSC Status

New MSCs:

MSCs in Final Comment Period:

  • No MSCs are in FCP.

Accepted MSCs:

  • No MSCs were accepted this week.

Closed MSCs:

πŸ”—Spec Updates

Part of the SCT's goals with Matrix 1.8 is to pre-plan the majority of our review attention, which means we need to be told what folks are working on to plan accordingly. We'll still have some room for random/surprise MSC work, but this is expected to be harder to acquire going forward (and so should not be relied upon).

Please let us know if you're working on something which affects the spec! We want to hear about:

  • things that aren't MSCs (yet)
  • things that are MSCs but aren't planned to be merged in 1.8
  • MSCs which are expected to be ready in time for Matrix 1.8 (in ~2 months)

If you aren't sure if your project affects the spec, talk to us about it. We do not want to be the bottleneck in your development cycle, instead preferring to know ahead of time that something will need attention from us.

All we need is for you to mention your project/MSC and timeline in the - DMs and private rooms with SCT members are not enough to get something on the roadmap. This is to ensure there is full transparency in why the SCT is looking at something, and to ensure that the MSC moves through the process in an efficient manner. If your project has a sensitive context (commercial or otherwise), then we ask that you reference that here and someone from the team will contact you to get more information, relaying as much (non-sensitive) detail as possible back to the room here.

Our expected outcome for this system is to not only be a more effective team, but also to give you a faster/more reasonable turnaround on MSC review (at all stages), more rapid deployment of stable features (dropping unstable prefixes), and overall fewer review iterations as the SCT can think about problems ahead of you actually needing a review. We seriously do not want to be a blocker, but we need to know what we could end up blocking by accident.

Starting approximately August 1st, we will be starting to plan out what Matrix 1.9's release cycle will look like. A similar call to action will be raised at that point. Note that Matrix 1.8 is set to be released in late August, meaning we're aiming to have Matrix 1.9 thought out before Matrix 1.8 is released, which is a deliberately accelerated timeline than the current Matrix 1.8 release cycle planning.

As always, if you have any questions about this, please let us know in

πŸ”—Random MSC of the Week

The random MSC of the week is... MSC3869: Read event relations with the Widget API!

This MSC would allow Matrix Widgets, knowing an event ID, to request any and all other events that relate to it. Thus, if you had a event, you could ask the client whether any edits have been made to that event, via asking for events with m.replace relations.

This would be useful for Widgets to traverse any data structure that used relations to tie together events - which could model all sorts of use cases!

As always, leave your feedback on the MSC if this is something you're interested in or want to push forwards :)

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This Week in Matrix 2023-05-26

26.05.2023 20:49 β€” This Week in Matrix β€” Hubert Chathi
Last update: 26.05.2023 20:24

πŸ”—Matrix Spec (website)

uhoreg announces

Here's your weekly spec update! The heart of Matrix is the specification - and this is modified by Matrix Spec Change (MSC) proposals. Learn more about how the process works at

πŸ”—MSC Status

New MSCs:

MSCs in Final Comment Period:

  • No MSCs are in FCP.

Accepted MSCs:

  • No MSCs were accepted this week.

Closed MSCs:

πŸ”—Spec Updates

We released version 1.7 of the Matrix Spec on Thursday. This release features media repository improvements and reactions. Thank you to all who contributed to this release, whether through writing or reviewing MSCs, writing spec PRs, or finding spec bugs. And congratulations to those who had their first MSC make it to the release. Read the blog post for the full details.

We're in the process of working out what Matrix 1.8 looks like and need to hear what people are working on. If you have an MSC or idea you're planning on looking at in the next 2 months, let us know in so we can prioritize it accordingly.

πŸ”—Random MSC of the Week

The random MSC of the week is... MSC3184: Challenges Messages! This feature allows participants in a room to make decisions randomly by playing rock, paper, scissors; flipping a coin; or drawing straws.

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Matrix v1.7 release

25.05.2023 18:56 β€” Releases, Spec β€” Travis Ralston

Hey all,

Matrix 1.7 has just been released! The last spec release was about 3 months ago, keeping us on track for regular quarterly releases. Unlike Matrix 1.6 though, today’s release is packed with plenty of features, some of which we’d like to call out here. Not all implementations will have support for these features yet though, and that’s okay (expected, even).

Adding support for a spec release can be a significant body of work. Instead of implementations having everything ready for spec release day, the idea is that they gain support over the next few months. If you’re able, please help those projects get v1.7’s features.

Today, we see 15 MSCs achieve their formally adopted status. All of them bring forward some much-needed features to Matrix, and a few highlights are below. Read on to the full changelog for a complete overview, and for a sneak peak at what the Spec Core Team (SCT) is planning to look at for v1.8 πŸ‘€

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Disclosing Synapse security advisories

24.05.2023 13:44 β€” Security β€” Denis Kasak
Last update: 24.05.2023 13:36

Today we are retroactively publishing advisories for security bugs in Synapse. From oldest to most recent, they are:

We strongly advise Synapse operators who are still on earlier Synapse versions to upgrade to the latest version (v1.84.0) or at the very least v1.74.0 (released Dec 2022), to prevent attacks based on these vulnerabilities. Please see the advisories for the full details, including a description of

  • the vulnerability and potential attacks,
  • exactly which deployments are vulnerable, and
  • workarounds and mitigations.

Because these bugs are either related to or exploitable over Matrix federation, we have delayed publishing these advisories until now out of caution. This allowed us to ensure that the majority of Synapse homeservers across the public federation have upgraded to a sufficiently patched version, based on the (opt-in) stats reporting to the foundation.

If you have any questions or comments about this announcement or any of the advisories, e-mail us at

This Week in Matrix 2023-05-19

19.05.2023 00:00 β€” This Week in Matrix β€” Andrew Morgan

πŸ”—Matrix Live

No Matrix Live this week as Thib's away. Tune in next week though - maybe he'll do two!

πŸ”—Dept of Spec πŸ“œ

Andrew Morgan (anoa) announces

Here's your weekly spec update! The heart of Matrix is the specification - and this is modified by Matrix Spec Change (MSC) proposals. Learn more about how the process works at

πŸ”—MSC Status

New MSCs:

MSCs in Final Comment Period:

  • No MSCs are in FCP.

Accepted MSCs:

  • No MSCs were accepted this week.

Closed MSCs:

  • No MSCs were closed/rejected this week.

πŸ”—Spec Updates

Matrix v1.7 has been given a release date of May 25th, right before the next TWIM! Expect a blog post with all the details on the day.

Leading up to the release we've seen a number of great spec PRs appearing and being merged! Thank you to everyone for writing them (saving the SCT some time!) and to other reviewing on commenting. It's a huge help and the spec feels like it's chugging along at a blistering pace!

πŸ”—Random MSC of the Week

The random MSC of the week is... MSC2213: Rejoinability of private/invite-only rooms!

This MSC adds the ability for users who have previously joined a room to rejoin again. Typically this isn't desired in a public room setting, but it does specifically make sense in the case of a DM that you've left and want to return to without the other user needing to invite you. This case has specific implications for cases where there could be only ever one room between two users. Being able to rejoin it if the other user has disappeared is key!

Outside of the DM use case, this functionality can mostly already be achieved by using restricted rooms, where users of a given space/another room can always join your room. However, it would be nice to have the flexibility of allowing certain users to rejoin a room without needing another room to serve as proof of membership.

Is this something you're interested in? Do you have additional use cases? Feel free to check out the MSC and comment with your thoughts!

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