
152 posts tagged with "Thib" (See all Author)

FOSDEM 2025 Wrap Up

13.02.2025 12:00 β€” FOSDEM β€” Thib

The Foundation and its growing community were once again present at the biggest OSS conference in Europe, and it's been a tremendous success! It was an opportunity for us to gather, share ideas and debate about ongoing topics, meet the broader FOSS community and present our work.

πŸ”—Fringe Event

With 8000 visitors, FOSDEM is primarily a place to share your work with others and present the latest developments to those interested. But it's not necessarily the best venue for conversations within the community about topics that are still in-flight.

Because so many people are doing the trip to gather in a single city, it remains a good opportunity to gather your own community in a more intimate setting. This is precisely what Fringe Events happening before or after FOSDEM are about.

Group photo of the people attending the fringe event

Group photo of the people attending the fringe event

Workadventure, Nordeck and Famedly generously sponsored the 60 pizzas and €1500 worth of drinks at the event to keep us refreshed and fed! Our deepest gratitude to them and the Brussels Hackerspace HSBXL for giving us a place to gather.

Recording of the barcamp session

Recording of the barcamp session

The barcamp / unconference format we adopted allowed participants to mention what they were interested in talking or hearing about, with the help of Yan Minagawa who is a fantastic event facilitator!

Some people were comfortable getting their talk recorded, but some were not. You can find the full list of talk recordings in our Fringe Event YouTube playlist.


The Matrix booth was located in the realtime communications corner, next to the XMPP and Linphone friends who have been lovely neighbors. Shout out to the XMPP gang in particular for setting up the Realtime Comms Lounge with bean bags that must have been a logistical nightmare to bring to FOSDEM!

The booth was very crowded, we got plenty of enthusiastic visitors telling us what they love about Matrix, with occasional minor support requests. People have been overwhelmingly supportive and curious about the future of Matrix.

The Booth at Fosdem 2025

The Booth at Fosdem 2025

We gave away 100 T-shirts in less than a day, asking people for a donation to the Foundation in exchange for the T-shirt. If you didn't already, you can make a donation today!

This year the booth has been opened up to the broader ecosystem and volunteers, and that was a significant success. Many thanks to the whole roster: Dominik, Milton, Sumner, td, Nico, Kim, weeman, Nadine, Timo, Anoa, Greg, Bram, Robin T, stereo, BenP, Will, Neil, Florian and everyone who showed up at the booth to support the crew!

A special thought to MatMaul, Robin and Hans v. Zijst who volunteered but fell sick and took the right decision not to spread germs. You were missed, but you did the right thing.

πŸ”—Main Track Talk

Matthew had a Main Track Talk in Janson "The Road to Mainstream Matrix" in which he covers the history of Matrix, why things are what they are today, how the vendors' strategy support Matrix' mission, and what's coming next.

Give it a watch if you want to learn more about the new State Resolution algorithm, MLS, Post Quantum Matrix, the future of the matrix-rust-sdk and what this means for the matrix-js-sdk, Trust & Safety.

πŸ”—Matrix Devroom

Right after Matthew's talk we had the Foundation & Community Devroom. The full schedule is available on FOSDEM's website.

The talks covered a variety of topics ranging from technical issues to community ones. If you want to learn more about the state of Synapse, how federation works, using the rust sdk with WASM or even why the Ubuntu community is switching to Matrix, head to the schedule or to our YouTube Playlist with all the talks.

You can find all the videos

Thanks to all speakers and Yan Minagawa again for MCing the devroom!

πŸ”—Community & Ecosystem

If you're an individual and you can afford it, please support the Foundation or become a member so we can keep organizing these events and spread the word about your favorite sovereign, decentralized and E2EE communications protocol.

If you're an organization and you rely on Matrix one way or another, please become an organizational member to ensure the Foundation can keep maintaining an unencumbered specification, protect the Matrix brand and community, and contribute to the efficiency of the protocol.

Finally, if you missed us at FOSDEM, make sure to follow us on our socials to be informed of the next events we will organize or attend! Follow us either on the fediverse, on LinkedIn, on Bluesky or even on the most decentralized of all, by subscribing to our RSS feed.

This Week in Matrix 2025-02-03

03.02.2025 15:30 β€” This Week in Matrix β€” Thib

πŸ”—Dept of Status of Matrix 🌑️

Thib ( announces

FOSDEM was a huge success for the Foundation and community this year again!

Shout out to Workadventure, Nordeck and Famedly who sponsored the Fringe Event and kept us refreshed and fed. And a huge thanks to everybody who showed up at the booth either to staff it or to say a kind word, bring constructive criticism, or have a casual conversation.

A more detailed wrap up post will be published this week. In the meantime, I’m leaving FOSDEM with a sense that we are doing the right thing, going in the right direction, and that people notice. I'm looking forward to meeting you all again, as well as those who couldn't make it to FOSDEM!

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This Week in Matrix 2025-01-27

27.01.2025 00:00 β€” This Week in Matrix β€” Thib

This week we tried publishing TWIM on a Monday, but people seem to enjoy reading their Matrix news during the weekend. We will get back to publishing TWIM on Fridays!

πŸ”—Matrix Live

πŸ”—Dept of Spec πŸ“œ

Andrew Morgan (anoa) {he/him} says

Here's your weekly spec update! The heart of Matrix is the specification - and this is modified by Matrix Spec Change (MSC) proposals. Learn more about how the process works at

πŸ”—MSC Status

New MSCs:

MSCs in Proposed Final Comment Period:

MSCs in Final Comment Period:

Accepted MSCs:

Closed MSCs:

πŸ”—Spec Updates

Quite a flurry of activity in spec-land this week, as you can see from the above! MSC4133: Extending User Profile API with Key:Value Pairs moved into final comment period. While it still has one outstanding concern as of today, hopefully that can be worked out in the near future.

We also had a newly accepted MSC; MSC4213: Remove server_name parameter from join and knock endpoints. A small change, but a nice clean up to the spec.

Once again, thanks to everyone who's involved, and those that are only just getting started! The more the merrier.

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This Week in Matrix 2025-01-03

03.01.2025 00:00 β€” This Week in Matrix β€” Thib

πŸ”—Dept of Status of Matrix 🌑️

Matthew reports

The 2024 Matrix Holiday Special:

πŸ”—Dept of Clients πŸ“±

πŸ”—SchildiChat (website)

SchildiChat is a fork of Element for Android and Desktop, that used to focus on UI changes such as message bubbles and a unified chat list, but now also provides some additional tweaks and community-driven features that may not be on the roadmap for the upstream clients.

SpiritCroc says

Over the holidays, I added two new (old) features to SchildiChat Next (our Element X Android fork) that I've been missing since switching to the new codebase.

First, inline images and custom emotes are now rendered again, so you don't miss out when users on other clients or certain bridges send these. If you prefer not having images rendered in text message, you can also disable them via a setting, in order to render the fallback text instead - rather than not rendering anything at all as done previously.

Second, I added back the functionality to fetch and render previews for links found in text messages, so you have a better idea what to expect before clicking them. For now, this is an experimental setting, so remember to enable it first if you want to try it out once it lands in the next release.

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This Week in Matrix 2024-12-20

20.12.2024 19:00 β€” This Week in Matrix β€” Thib

πŸ”—Matrix Live

πŸ”—Dept of Status of Matrix 🌑️

πŸ”—Community Year In Review 2024

Nico announces

So, how was your year? NO! DON'T TELL ME NOW! But read on!

Some might remember the year in review for 2023 or 2022, well, this year is still 2024 and I decided to do another one!

If you don't remember, here is the gist of it: It is a room, where you can post about what you did, experienced or otherwise found interesting in 2024. You can also give some predictions for 2025, if you are so bold! Then, on the 31st, I will compose those into a blog post and you can read what others had to say! Now, the exact dates are a bit muddy, last time I was late and there is no guarantee I won't be late this time, but you have until the 30st to compose something you want to share.

There are no exact restrictions on what projects can participate or that what you share has to be a project, but we try to ring out the year with positive vibes from the community in general. Please also try to look at the overall year, if you just want to report on the week, well, there is something called "This Week in Matrix" for that!

Now, you probably are asking the important question, where is that room? Well, you can guess it from last years alias, but for everyone else:


Have a good one, merry christmas and see you next year!

Part time reporter, Nico

PS: If you want examples, check out or

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An unrelated cybercriminal network named MATRIX was taken down

03.12.2024 00:00 β€” General β€” Thib

The Foundation has been made aware that an international investigative operation took down a service called MATRIX which was used by a cybercriminal network, which has no relationship with the Foundation or the Matrix protocol itself.

The takedown site has a Matrix-the-movie branding, which is a probable source of confusion. The app showcased doesn’t look like any of the Matrix clients we’re aware of.

In a statement to the Foundation, Europol confirmed that the MATRIX cybercriminal network and the Matrix protocol are entirely unrelated. Europol states:

The Matrix protocol ( is by no means connected to the Matrix secured communication service that was targeted in OTF Continental.

A statement from the Dutch police confirms that this is unrelated: "Matrix is ​​also the name of a company and communications protocol of the same name, which has nothing to do with the crypto communications service Matrix."

This Week in Matrix 2024-11-22

22.11.2024 00:00 β€” This Week in Matrix β€” Thib

πŸ”—Matrix Live

πŸ”—Dept of Status of Matrix 🌑️

Thib ( announces

We want to know everything about the bugs you squashed, the features you developed, and the docs you wrote. And even better, not only do we want to know about it, we want you to tell the Matrix community about it during our FOSDEM Fringe event, or even to tell the world about it in our FOSDEM Devroom!

Our Call for Proposals is still open for the DevRoom until December 1, so don't miss your chance to advertise your project!

But we're not limiting our presence to a DevRoom, we will also organize a fringe event before FOSDEM and have a booth during the wole event. Want to grab a limited edition T-shirt? Now's your chance to sign-up and help us staff the booth. All details are in our blog post.

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Matrix in full force at FOSDEM

19.11.2024 15:00 β€” Conferences β€” Thib

The Foundation and community are very happy to announce that this year, they will be in full force at FOSDEM, with a community event right before the conference, a booth to welcome everyone during the conference, and a dev room to explore topics in depth!

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This Week in Matrix 2024-11-08

08.11.2024 20:45 β€” This Week in Matrix β€” Thib

πŸ”—Matrix Live

πŸ”—Dept of Status of Matrix 🌑️

πŸ”—Matrix at FOSDEM 2025

Thib ( says

We're happy to announce that this year again we will have a DevRoom at FOSDEM!

We have half a day to talk about all the great projects we have been working on as a community. Our devroom should be on Sunday afternoon, even if it's not completely set in stone for now.

You can submit a talk following one of the two formats:

  • 20 min talk + 10 min Q&A, for topics that can be covered briefly
  • 50 min talk + 10 min Q&A, for more complex subjects which need more focus

Be quick, the Call for Proposals ends on December 1st and we can't extend it. FOSDEM organizers will close all DevRooms CfPs, and we can't bypass it!

Find all the dates & details on our Call for Proposals

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Call for Participation to the FOSDEM 2025 Matrix Devroom

05.11.2024 16:00 β€” General β€” Thib

Hello everyone,

The Foundation is excited to host a Foundation and Community devroom in person next year again at FOSDEM! Half a day of talks, demos and workshops around Matrix itself and projects built on top of Matrix.

We encourage people working on the Matrix protocol or building on it in an open source project to submit a proposal! Note that companies are welcome to talk about the Matrix details of their open source projects, but marketing talks are not welcome.

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